Adorno, Theodor. Minima Moralia.
Arendt, Hannah. Between Past and Future.
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition.
Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution.
Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism.
Barthes, Roland. Mythologies.
Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation.
Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality.
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451.
Buber, Martin. I and Thou.
Camus, Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus.
Connolly, William E. Identity\Difference.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Notes from Underground.
Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge.
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish.
Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.
Goldfarb, Jeffrey C. Civility and Subversion.
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.
Kierkegaard, Søren. The Concept of Anxiety.
Laclau, Ernesto and Chantal Mouffe. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Word for World Is Forest.
Mead, George Herbert. Mind, Self, and Society.
Orwell, George. 1984.
Piven, Francis Fox and Richard Cloward. Poor People's Movements.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Confessions.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Reveries of a Solitary Walker.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Being and Nothingness.
de Unamuno, Miguel. The Tragic Sense of Life.
Williams, John. Stoner.

Bold text = A-listers
Bold red text = top personal favorites

bebop, hard bop, swing, & cool
Adams, Pepper. Critics' Choice.
Adams, Pepper. Encounter!
Adderley, Cannonball. Somethin’ Else!
Adderley, Cannonball. In New York.
Adderley, Cannonball. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!
Ammons, Gene. The Black Cat! 
Armstrong, Louis. A Merry Christmas with Good Old Satch.
Bailey, Dave. 2 Feet in the Gutter.
Bechet, Sidney. The Fabulous Sidney Bechet.
Bechet, Sidney. Recorded in Concert at the Brussels Fair, 1958.
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. The Jazz Messengers. 
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. A Night in Tunisia (1957). 
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers (aka Moanin').
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Au Club St. Germain, vols. 1-3.
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. The Big Beat.
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Mosaic.
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Art Blakey!!!!! Jazz Messengers!!!!! 
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Free for All.
Blakey, Art/Jazz Messengers. Indestructible.
Brown, Clifford. The Beginning and the End. 
Brown, Clifford/Clifford Brown All Stars. Clifford Brown All Stars.
Brown, Clifford/Max Roach. Clifford Brown and Max Roach (1954). 
Brown, Clifford/Max Roach. At Basin Street. 
Brubeck, Dave. Jazz at Oberlin. 
Brubeck, Dave. Jazz at the College of the Pacific.
Brubeck, Dave. Jazz Impressions of Eurasia.
Brubeck, Dave. Time Out. 
Brubeck, Dave. At Carnegie Hall.
Brubeck, Dave. We’re All Together Again for the First Time.
Brubeck, Dave/Paul Desmond. Dave Brubeck & Paul Desmond at Wilshire-Ebell.
Brubeck, Dave/Gerry Mulligan. Live at the Berlin Philharmonie.
Brubeck, Dave/Bill Smith. Near-Myth.
Burrell, Kenny. Have Yourself a Soulful Little Christmas.
Burrell, Kenny/John Coltrane. Kenny Burrell & John Coltrane.
Byas, Don. Anthropology.
Byrd, Donald. Byrd in Hand.
Byrd, Donald. Chant.
Carter, Benny. Jazz Giant.
Christian, Charlie. Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian. 
Clarke, Kenny. Kenny Clarke Meets the Detroit Jazzmen.
Coltrane, John. Blue Train.
Coltrane, John. Giant Steps. 
Coltrane, John. Coltrane Jazz. 
Coltrane, John. Lush Life.
Coltrane, John. Coltrane Plays the Blues.
Coltrane, John. Coltrane (1962).
Coltrane, John. Ballads.
Coltrane, John. Coltrane's Sound.
Coltrane, John. Crescent.
Coltrane, John/Johnny Hartman. John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman. 
Criss, Sonny. Up, Up and Away.
Davis, Miles. 'Round About Midnight. 
Davis, Miles. Cookin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet.
Davis, Miles. Relaxin' with the Miles Davis Quintet.
Davis, Miles. Milestones.
Davis, Miles. Kind of Blue. 
Davis, Miles. Sketches of Spain.
Davis, Miles. Workin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet.
Davis, Miles. Steamin' with the Miles Davis Quintet.
Davis, Miles. In Person: Friday and Saturday Nights at the Blackhawk, San Francisco.
Davis, Miles. "Four" & More.
Dickerson, Walt. To My Queen.
Drew, Kenny. Undercurrent. 
Ellington, Duke. Masterpieces by Duke Ellington.
Ellington, Duke/John Coltrane. Duke Ellington & John Coltrane.
Evans, Bill. Interplay.
Evans, Gil/Gil Evans Orchestra/Kenny Burrell/Phil Woods. Previously Unreleased Recordings.
Farmer, Art. Farmer's Market.
Farmer, Art/Jim Hall. "Live" at the Half Note.
Flanagan, Tommy/John Coltrane/Kenny Burrell/Idrees Sulieman. The Cats.
Fuller, Curtis. Blues-ette.
Getz, Stan. The Steamer.
Getz, Stan. Sweet Rain.
Getz, Stan. Getz at the Gate.
Getz, Stan/J.J. Johnson. At the Opera House (stereo/Chicago version).
Gillespie, Dizzy. At Newport (expanded reissue).
Gillespie, Dizzy/Stan Getz. Diz and Getz. 
Gonsalves, Paul. Gettin' Together. 
Goodman, Benny. The Benny Goodman Story (aka The Golden Age of Benny Goodman).
Goodman, Benny. Solid Gold Instrumental Hits.
Goodman, Benny. The Benny Goodman Sextet Featuring Charlie Christian: 1939-41. 
Gordon, Dexter. Our Man in Paris.
Gordon, Dexter. One Flight Up.
Green, Grant. Idle Moments.
Green, Grant. Solid!
Green, Grant. Matador.
Green, Grant. Nigeria.
Griffin, Johnny. A Blowin' Session. 
Guaraldi, Vince. A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Handy, John. Recorded Live at the Monterey Jazz Festival.
Hartman, Johnny. I Just Dropped By to Say Hello.
Hawkins, Coleman. The Hawk Flies High.
Hawkins, Coleman. The High and Mighty Hawk.
Haynes, Roy. Out of the Afternoon.
Haynes, Roy/Phineas Newborn/Paul Chambers. We Three. 
Jacquet, Illinois. The Blues; That’s Me!
Jacquet, Illinois/Ben Webster. “The Kid” and “The Brute.”
Jamal, Ahmad. At the Pershing: But Not for Me. 
Jamal, Ahmad. Ahmad Jamal's Alhambra.
Jamal, Ahmad. The Awakening.
Jazz at the Philharmonic. 1944-46.
Jenkins, John/Kenny Burrell. John Jenkins with Kenny Burrell.
Johansson, Jan. Jazz på Ryska.
Jordan, Clifford. These Are My Roots: Clifford Jordan Plays Leadbelly.
Kelly, Wynton/Wes Montgomery. Smokin' at the Half Note.
Kessel, Barney. Let's Cook!
King Curtis. The New Scene of King Curtis.
Kirk, Roland. Rip, Rig & Panic.
Konitz, Lee/Jimmy Giuffre. Lee Konitz Meets Jimmy Giuffre.
Lacy, Steve. Reflections. 
Land, Harold. West Coast Blues!
Land, Harold. Eastward Ho! Harold Land in New York.
Lateef, Yusef. Eastern Sounds.
Lewis, John. Improvised Meditations & Excursions.
Lewis, John/Sacha Distel. Afternoon in Paris.
Lewis, Ramsey. Sound of Christmas.
Manne, Shelly. Complete Live at the Black Hawk.
McLean, Jackie. New Soil.
McLean, Jackie. Demon's Dance.
Mingus, Charles. Mingus at the Bohemia (aka Chazz!).
Mingus, Charles. Pithecanthropus Erectus.
Mingus, Charles. Mingus Ah Um.
Mingus, Charles. Jazz Portraits (aka Wonderland).
Mingus, Charles. Blues & Roots.
Mingus, Charles. Charles Mingus Presents Charles Mingus.
Mingus, Charles. Nostalgia in Times Square.
Mobley, Hank. Workout.
Mobley, Hank. Roll Call. 
Monk, Thelonious. Genius of Modern Music, Volume One (LP version).
Monk, Thelonious. Genius of Modern Music, Volume Two.
Monk, Thelonious. Thelonious Monk Trio (aka The High Priest, aka Monk’s Moods).
Monk, Thelonious. Brilliant Corners.
Monk, Thelonious. The Thelonious Monk Orchestra at Town Hall.
Monk, Thelonious. Monk’s Dream.
Monk, Thelonious/John Coltrane. Monk/Trane.
Montgomery, Wes. The Incredible Jazz Guitar of Wes Montgomery. 
Morgan, Lee. The Sidewinder.
Morgan, Lee. Infinity.
Mulligan, Gerry/Ben Webster. Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster.
Nelson, Oliver. The Blues and the Abstract Truth.
Nowell, Sean. Stockholm Swingin’.
Parker, Charlie. Master takes on Savoy.
Parker, Charlie. Master takes on Dial.
Parker, Charlie/Dizzy Gillespie. Bird and Diz.
Parker, Charlie. Now's the Time (reissue of self-titled on Clef).
Pass, Joe. Portraits of Duke Ellington.
Pass, Joe. Six String Santa.
Payne, Cecil. Patterns of Jazz.
Pearson, Duke. Dedication!
Peterson, Oscar. An Oscar Peterson Christmas. 
Ponty, Jean-Luc. Sunday Walk.
Ponty, Jean-Luc. Live at Donte’s (CD version w/bonus tracks).
Prestige All-Stars. Earthy.
Quadrant. Quadrant.
Quebec, Ike. Blue and Sentimental.
The Quintet. Jazz at Massey Hall.
Rabinowitz, Michael. Uncharted Waters.
Redd, Freddie. Shades of Redd.
Reinhardt, Django. Bruxelles 1947 Paris 1951-1952-1953.
Reinhardt, Django. In Solitaire: Complete Recordings for Solo Guitar.
Rollins, Sonny. Newk’s Time.
Silver, Horace. Blowin’ the Blues Away.
Silver, Horace. Song for My Father.
Silver, Horace. The Cape Verdean Blues.
Simone, Nina. The Best of Nina Simone (Philips, 1969).
Squirrel Nut Zippers. Hot.
Stitt, Sonny/Bud Powell/J.J. Johnson. Sonny Stitt-Bud Powell-J.J. Johnson.
Timmons, Bobby. Holiday Soul.
Webster, Ben/Oscar Peterson. Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson.
Williams, Mary Lou/Don Byas. The Mary Lou Williams Quartet Featuring Don Byas.
Young, Lester/Oscar Peterson. The President Plays with the Oscar Peterson Trio.
Young, Lester/Buddy Rich. The Lester Young-Buddy Rich Trio.
Various artists. African Rhythms: Afro-centric Homages to a Spiritual Homeland (Blue Note Explosion series).
Various artists. God Rest Ye Merry, Jazzmen.
Various artists. Jazz Underground: Live at Smalls.

post-bop & the avant-garde
Art Ensemble of Chicago. Bap-tizum.
Bang, Billy/Frank Lowe. Above & Beyond: An Evening in Grand Rapids.
Barbieri, Gato. El Pampero.
Bey, Faruq Z./Northwoods Improvisers. 19 Moons.
Bey, Faruq Z./Northwoods Improvisers. Rwanda.
Bey, Faruq Z./Northwoods Improvisers. Infa'a.
Bey, Faruq Z./Northwoods Improvisers. Journey into the Valley. 
Brötzmann, Peter. Machine Gun.
Burton, Gary. Duster.
Byrd, Donald. The Creeper.
Carter, Ron/Eric Dolphy. Where?
Chapin, Thomas. Anima.
Chapin, Thomas. Insomnia.
Chapin, Thomas. Haywire.
Chapin, Thomas. Ride.
Cherry, Don. Complete Communion.
Coleman, Ornette. The Shape of Jazz to Come.
Coleman, Ornette. Free Jazz.
Coleman, Ornette. Ornette!
Coleman, Ornette. Science Fiction.
Coltrane, Alice. Journey in Satchidananda.
Coltrane, John. My Favorite Things.
Coltrane, John. Africa/Brass.
Coltrane, John. Ole Coltrane. 
Coltrane, John. Live! At the Village Vanguard.
Coltrane, John. Live at Birdland.
Coltrane, John. Impressions.
Coltrane, John. A Love Supreme.
Coltrane, John. The John Coltrane Quartet Plays…
Coltrane, John. Ascension (CD reissue w/two takes). 
Coltrane, John. Meditations.
Coltrane, John. Kulu Sé Mama.
Coltrane, John. Expression.
Coltrane, John. Sun Ship.
Coltrane, John. Live in Seattle (2xCD version).
Coltrane, John. The Africa Brass Sessions, Vol. 2.
Coltrane, John. The Other Village Vanguard Tapes.
Coltrane, John/Alice Coltrane. Cosmic Music.
Corea, Chick. Now He Sings, Now He Sobs. 
Corea, Chick. The Sun.
Corea, Chick. Sundance.
Corea, Chick. Inner Space (version w/8 tracks).
Corea, Chick. Circulus.
Curson, Ted. Tears for Dolphy.
Curson, Ted. Pop Wine.
Davis, Miles. E.S.P.
Davis, Miles. Miles Smiles.
Davis, Miles. Sorcerer. 
Davis, Miles. Nefertiti. 
Dolphy, Eric. Outward Bound.
Dolphy, Eric. Iron Man.
Dolphy, Eric. At the Five Spot, Vol. 1.
Dyani, Johnny/Okay Temiz/Mongezi Feza. Music for Xaba.
East New York Ensemble de Music. At the Helm.
Ellington, Duke. Money Jungle.
Ellington, Duke. Far East Suite. 
Ellington, Duke. The Afro-Eurasian Eclipse.
Ervin, Booker. The Freedom Book.
Ervin, Booker. The In Between.
Friedman, Don. A Day in the City. 
Gale, Eddie. Ghetto Music.
Garbarek, Jan/The Esoteric Circle. The Esoteric Circle.
Garrick, Michael. Moonscape.
Ghania, Mahmoud/Pharoah Sanders. The Trance of Seven Colors. 
Hancock, Herbie. Maiden Voyage. 
Hancock, Herbie. Empyrean Isles.
Hancock, Herbie. Speak Like a Child. 
Hancock, Herbie. The Prisoner.
Harriott, Joe/Amancio D'Silva. Hum Dono.
Henderson, Joe. Mode for Joe.
Henderson, Joe. In 'n Out.
Henderson, Joe. Inner Urge. 
Henderson, Joe. Tetragon.
Hewitt, P.E./P.E. Hewitt Jazz Ensemble. Winter Winds. 
Hill, Andrew. Compulsion!!!!!
Hubbard, Freddie. The Artistry of Freddie Hubbard. 
Hutcherson, Bobby. Happenings.
Hutcherson, Bobby. Now! 
Jordan, Clifford. In the World.
Kloss, Eric. One, Two, Free.
Lacy, Steve. The Straight Horn of Steve Lacy.
La Roca, Pete. Basra.
La Roca, Pete. Turkish Women at the Bath.
Lateef, Yusef. Live at Pep’s (CD reissue).
Lounge Lizards. The Lounge Lizards.
Lystedt, Lars. Jazz under the Midnight Sun.
Manne, Shelly. "The Three" & "The Two."
Martino, Pat. Consciousness.
Masada. One: Alef.
Masada. Two: Beit.
Masada. Four: Dalet.
Masada. Six: Vav.
Masada. Seven: Zayin.
Masada. Eight: Het.
Masada. Nine: Tet.
Masada. Ten: Yod.
Masada. Live at Tonic 2001. 
McLaughlin, John. My Goal’s Beyond.
McLean, Jackie. Let Freedom Ring.
McLean, Jackie. One Step Beyond. 
McLean, Jackie. Destination Out! 
McLean, Jackie. Action.
McLean, Jackie. Jacknife.
McLean, Jackie & the Cosmic Brotherhood. New York Calling.
Moncur III, Grachan. Evolution.
Old and New Dreams. Old and New Dreams (ECM Records).
Parker, William/William Parker Violin Trio. Scrapbook.
Ra, Sun. Nothing Is.
Ra, Sun. Sound of Joy.
Ra, Sun. The Nubians of Plutonia.
Richmond, Dannie. Ode to Mingus.
Rivers, Sam. Contours. 
Rivers, Sam. Hues.
Roach, Max. We Insist! Max Roach’s Freedom Now Suite.
Roach, Max. Percussion Bitter Sweet.
Roach, Max. The Max Roach Trio Featuring the Legendary Hasaan.
Rollins, Sonny. East Broadway Run Down. 
Rollins, Sonny. Sonny Rollins on Impulse!
Rollins, Sonny/Coleman Hawkins. Sonny Meets Hawk! 
Russell, George. Electronic Sonata for Souls Loved by Nature.
Russell, Ray. Rites and Rituals.
Sanders, Pharoah. Karma.
Sanders, Pharoah. Izipho Zam.
Sharrock, Sonny. Ask the Ages.
Shepp, Archie. Four for Trane.
Shepp, Archie. The Magic of Ju-Ju.
Shepp, Archie/Bill Dixon. Archie Shepp/Bill Dixon Quartet (aka Peace).
Shorter, Wayne. Speak No Evil.
Shorter, Wayne. JuJu.
Shorter, Wayne. The All Seeing Eye.
Szabo, Gabor. Bacchanal.
Szabo, Gabor. Dreams. 
Taylor, Cecil. The World of Cecil Taylor.
Taylor, Cecil. Conquistador!
Taylor, Cecil. Air.
Tolliver, Charles. The Ringer. 
Tyner, McCoy. The Real McCoy.
Tyner, McCoy. Expansions. 
Tyner, McCoy. Extensions.
Tyner, McCoy. Sahara. 
Tyner, McCoy. Atlantis. 
Waldron, Mal. A Little Bit of Miles.
Waldron, Mal/Eric Dolphy. The Quest. 
Various artists. Jazz Meets Africa.
Various artists. Jazz Meets Asia.
Various artists. Jazz Meets the World.

Abercrombie, John. Timeless.
Astatke, Mulatu. Ethio Jazz. 
Auger, Brian/Oblivion Express. Brian Auger’s Oblivion Express.
Baker, Ginger/Air Force. Ginger Baker’s Air Force. 
Brecker Brothers. Brecker Brothers.
Clarke, Stanley. Stanley Clarke.
Clarke, Stanley. School Days.
Cobham, Billy. Spectrum.
Cobham, Billy. Spectrum 40 Live.
Coryell, Larry. Fairyland.
Coryell, Larry. Offering.
Coryell, Larry. Planet End. 
Coryell, Larry. The Essential Larry Coryell.
Coryell, Larry/Alphonse Mouzon. Back Together Again.
Davis, Miles. Bitches Brew.
Davis, Miles. Jack Johnson.
Davis, Miles. Get Up with It.
Davis, Miles. Pangaea.
Davis, Miles. Dark Magus.
Eleventh House. Level One.
Good God. Good God.
Henderson, Joe. Power to the People.
Henderson, Joe. Multiple.
Holdsworth, Allan. I.O.U.
Holland, Dave. Prism.
Hubbard, Freddie. High Energy.
James, Bob. One.
Love Cry Want. Love Cry Want.
Mahavishnu Orchestra. The Inner Mounting Flame.
Mahavishnu Orchestra. Birds of Fire. 
Mahavishnu Orchestra. Between Nothingness and Eternity.
Mahavishnu Orchestra. The Lost Trident Sessions.
Mouzon, Alphonse. Mind Transplant.
Ponty, Jean-Luc/Jean-Luc Ponty Experience. Open Strings. 
Ra, Sun. Lanquidity.
Return to Forever. Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy. 
Rypdal, Terje. Odyssey.
Santana. Caravanserai.
Santana. Welcome.
Santana. Borboletta.
Santana, Carlos/John McLaughlin. Love Devotion Surrender.
Shaw, Woody. Blackstone Legacy.
Shrieve, Michael. Two Doors.
Thomas, Leon. Blues and the Soulful Truth.
Vitous, Miroslav. Mountain in the Clouds.
Weather Report. Weather Report (1971). 
Weather Report. I Sing the Body Electric.
Weather Report. Mysterious Traveller. 
Weather Report. Black Market.
Williams, Tony/The New Tony Williams Lifetime. Believe It.
Williams, Tony/Tony Williams Lifetime. Emergency!
Williams, Tony/Tony Williams Lifetime. Turn It Over. 
Williams, Tony/Tony Williams Lifetime. Lifetime (compilation).
Yussef Kamaal. Black Focus.
Zappa, Frank. Hot Rats.
Zappa, Frank. Waka/Jawaka.
Zappa, Frank. Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar.
Zappa, Frank/Mothers. The Grand Wazoo.
Zappa, Frank/Mothers. Roxy & Elsewhere.
Zappa, Frank/Mothers. Roxy by Proxy.

Abercrombie, John. Straight Flight.
Abercrombie, John/Dave Holland/Jack DeJohnette. Gateway.
Abercrombie, John/Dave Holland/Jack DeJohnette. Gateway 2.
Akinmusire, Ambrose. A Rift in Decorum.
Atlas, Natacha. Strange Days.
AutorYno/John Zorn. Flauros: Book of Angels, Volume 29.
The Bad Plus. Suspicious Activity? 
The Bad Plus. The Rite of Spring.
Bang, Billy. Live at Carlos 1.
Beirach, Richard. Eon. 
Beirach, Richard. Elm. 
Blumenkranz, Shanir Ezra/John Zorn. Abraxas: Book of Angels, Volume 19.
Brahem, Anouar. Blue Maqams.
Burton, Gary/Eberhard Weber. Ring.
Cline, Alex/Alex Cline Ensemble. The Constant Flame.
Cline, Nels/Nels Cline Singers. Instrumentals.
Cline, Nels/Nels Cline Singers. Draw Breath. 
Cline, Nels/Nels Cline Singers. Initiate.
Cline, Nels/Nels Cline Singers. Macroscope (CD version).
Cohen, Avishai. Continuo.
Coryell, Larry. The Restful Mind.
Coryell, Larry. Spaces Revisited. 
Dans Dans. I/II.
Dans Dans. Sand.
Donarier, Matthieu/Ensemble Shanbehzadeh. Zar: Jazz & Music from South Iran.
Electric Masada. 50th Birthday Celebration, Vol. 4.
Elephant9/Reine Fiske. Silver Mountain.
Fefer, Avram. Testament.
Felder, Nir. II.
Fire! You Liked Me Five Minutes Ago.
Friedlander, Erik. Grains of Paradise.
Garbarek, Jan. Dresden: In Concert.
Getz, Stan. Captain Marvel. 
Giger, Paul. Alpstein.
Haimovitz, Matt/Uccello. Meeting of the Spirits.
Hancock, Herbie. Herbie Hancock Trio (1977).
Hebden, Kieran/Steve Reid/Mats Gustafsson. Live at the South Bank.
Herman, Benjamin. Bughouse.
Hijaz. Nahadin.
Hoenig, Ari. Punkbop: Live at Smalls.
Holland, Dave. Life Cycle.
Hubbard, Freddie. Outpost.
Ill Considered. Live at the Crypt.
Ill Considered. 3.
Ill Considered. 5.
Ill Considered. Liminal Space.
Iyer, Vijay. Panoptic Modes.
Iyer, Vijay. Accelerando.
Jamal, Ahmad. Outertimeinnerspace.
Jamal, Ahmad. Live at the Montreal Jazz Festival 1985. 
Jamal, Ahmad. The Essence, Part 1.
Jamal, Ahmad. In Search of Momentum.
James Farm. James Farm.
Klein, Omer. Introducing Omer Klein.
Korwar, Sarathy. More Arriving.
Krokofant. Krokofant. 
Krokofant. Krokofant II.
Lane, Adam/Blue Spirit Band. Adam Lane’s Blue Spirit Band.
Liebman, Dave. If They Only Knew.
Lloyd, Charles. Rabo de Nube. 
Lloyd, Charles. Sangam.
Lloyd, Charles. Wild Man Dance.
Lloyd, Charles/Billy Higgins. Which Way Is East?
Louca, Maurice. Elephantine.
Lounge Lizards. Voice of Chunk.
Marsella, Brian/John Zorn. Buer: Book of Angels, Volume 31.
Messthetics. The Messthetics.
Messthetics. Anthropocosmic Nest.
Miller, Lloyd & The Heliocentrics. Lloyd Miller & The Heliocentrics (aka (OST)). 
Monder, Ben. Hydra.
Motian, Paul. Conception Vessel. 
Motian, Paul. Tribute.
The Next Collective. Cover Art.
Northwoods Improvisers. Lightning Darkness. 
Onça Combo. Ubi Sunt.
Parker, William. Double Sunrise over Neptune.
Parks, Aaron. Invisible Cinema.
Previte, Bobby. Rhapsody.
Radio Citizen. Hope and Despair.
Rashanim. The Gathering.
Rava, Enrico. The Plot.
Revis, Eric. Slipknots Through a Looking Glass.
Rosenwinkel, Kurt. Heartcore.
Rosenwinkel, Kurt. The Next Step.
Rosenwinkel, Kurt. The Remedy: Live at the Village Vanguard.
Rothenberg, Ned/Ned Rothenberg Double Band. Real and Imagined Time.
Rothenberg, Ned/Ned Rothenberg Double Band. Parting.
Saxton, Bill. Beneath the Surface.
Scott, Christian. Yesterday You Said Tomorrow.
Scott, Christian. Christian Atunde Adjuah. 
Scott, Christian. Axiom.
Scott, Kendrick/Kendrick Scott Oracle. Conviction.
Shipp, Matthew. Pastoral Composure.
Stetson, Colin. Those Who Didn’t Run.
Sullivan, Ira. Ira Sullivan Does It All.
Tawadros, Joseph. Hope in an Empty City.
The Thing. Boot!
Towner, Ralph. Solstice.
Towner, Ralph/Eddie Gomez/Jack DeJohnette. Batik.
Truffaz, Erik. The Walk of the Giant Turtle.
Tyner, McCoy. Trident. 
Tyner, McCoy. Horizon. 
Vinson, Will/Gilad Hekselman/Antonio Sanchez. Trio Grande.
Vitous, Miroslav/Miroslav Vitous Group. Miroslav Vitous Group.
V.S.O.P. the Quintet. Tempest in the Colosseum.
Walter, Justin. Stars.
Weiss, David. The Mirror.
Wildflower. Wildflower.
Wildflower. Better Times.
Young Mothers. Morose.
Youssef, Dhafer. Diwan of Beauty and Odd.
Zorn, John. At the Gates of Paradise.
Various artists. The Rough Guide to Arabian Jazz.

999. “Emergency.” 
999. The Biggest Prize in Sport.
Agent Orange. Living in Darkness. 
A Giant Dog. Pile. 
Alternative TV. The Image Has Cracked.
Arctic Flowers. Arctic Flowers.
Arctic Flowers. Reveries.
Avengers. We Are the One.
Bags. “Survive” b/w “Babylonian Gorgon.”
Bikini Kill. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah.
Bikini Kill. Pussy Whipped.
Bikini Kill. New Radio.
Bikini Kill. The Anti-Pleasure Dissertation.
Bikini Kill. “I Like Fucking” b/w “I Hate Danger.”
Bikini Kill. Peel Sessions.
Blondie. Parallel Lines.
Blondie. The Best of Blondie. 
Buzzcocks. Spiral Scratch.
Buzzcocks. Love Bites.
Buzzcocks. A Different Kind of Tension.
Buzzcocks. Singles Going Steady. 
Buzzcocks. Parts 1-3.
The Clash. “White Riot” b/w “1977.”
The Clash. The Clash (UK).
The Clash. Give ‘Em Enough Rope.
The Clash. The Clash (US).
The Clash. Black Market Clash.
The Clash. The Cost of Living.
The Clash. London Calling.
The Clash. Sandinista! 
The Clash. “This Is Radio Clash” b/w “Radio Clash.”
The Clash. Combat Rock. 
The Clash. Super Black Market Clash.
The Clash. Clash on Broadway.
The Clash. Palladium, NYC, September 21, 1979.
The Clash. Jaap Edenhal, Amsterdam, 1981.
The Clash. Orpheum, Boston, September 7, 1982.
Cleveland Bound Death Sentence. Joe Pagano.
Common Rider. This Is Unity Music.
The Damned. Damned Damned Damned. 
The Damned. Machine Gun Etiquette.
The Damned. Strawberries.
Dead Boys. Young Loud and Snotty.
Dead Milkmen. Beelzebubba.
Dils. Dils Dils Dils.
The Estranged. Static Thoughts.
Generation X. “Your Generation” b/w “Day by Day.”
Generation X. Perfect Hits 1975 – 1981.
Gorilla Angreb. Gorilla Angreb (compilation).
Green Day. 1,000 Hours.
Green Day. 39/Smooth.
Green Day. Sweet Children.
Green Day. Kerplunk!
Green Day. Dookie. 
Hell, Richard & the Voidoids. Blank Generation.
The Jam. Sound Affects. 
The Jam. Snap! 
Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Ska-Core, the Devil and More.
Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Question the Answers.
Mika Miko. C.Y.S.L.A.B.F.
Mika Miko. 666.
Moving Targets. Burning in Water.
Mr. T Experience. Our Bodies Our Selves (CD version).
Operation Ivy. Hectic.
Operation Ivy. Energy. 
Operation Ivy. Plea for Peace.
The Pack. “Heathen” b/w “Brave New Soldiers.”
Pansy Division. Wish I’d Taken Pictures.
Peter & the Test Tube Babies. Pissed and Proud.
Pinhead Gunpowder. Jump Salty.
Pinhead Gunpowder. Carry the Banner.
Pink Lincolns. Back from the Pink Room.
Plastic Bertrand. Ca Plane pour Moi (LP).
Queers. Too Dumb to Quit!
Ramones. Ramones.
Ramones. Ramones Mania.
Ramones. Loco Live. 
Ramones. ¡Adios Amigos!
Raspberry Bulbs. Privacy.
Replacements. Let It Be.
Ruts. “In a Rut.”
Ruts. The Crack. 
Ruts. Babylon’s Burning Reconstructed. 
Screeching Weasel. BoogadaBoogadaBoogada.
Screeching Weasel. My Brain Hurts.
Screeching Weasel. Wiggle.
Screeching Weasel. Anthem for a New Tomorrow. 
Screeching Weasel. How to Make Enemies and Irritate People.
Screeching Weasel. Kill the Musicians.
Sex Pistols. Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols. 
Sex Pistols. The Mini Album.
Smith, Patti. Radio Ethiopia.
Smith, Patti. Wave.
Social Distortion. Prison Bound.
Social Distortion. Social Distortion.
Social Distortion. “Cold Feelings.”
Social Distortion. White Light White Heat White Trash.
Social Distortion. Mainliner: Wreckage from the Past.
Steel Tips. “96 Tears” b/w “Krazy Baby.”
Stranglers. Rattus Norvegicus.
Subhumans (Canada). Death Was Too Kind.
Teenage Head. Teenage Head.
Television. Marquee Moon (reissue w/10+ minute “Marquee Moon”).
Television. Adventure.
Testors. “Together” b/w “Time Is Mine.”
Testors. Original Punk Recordings New York 1976-1977.
Weirdos. Weird World, Volume One: 1977-1981.
Wipers. Is This Real?
Wipers. Youth of America.
Wipers. Over the Edge.
Wipers. Box Set. 
X. Los Angeles.
X. Wild Gift.
X. Under the Big Black Sun.
X-Ray Spex. "Oh Bondage, Up Yours!"
X-Ray Spex. “Germ Free Adolescents” b/w “Age.”
X-Ray Spex. Germfree Adolescents.
Various artists. Angus: Music from the Motion Picture. 
Various artists. Yes L.A.

covers music ~1966 and after that does not fit into punk, ‘60s, or prog categories
15-60-75 (The Numbers Band). Jimmy Bell’s Still in Town.
801. Live. 
Alice Cooper. Love It to Death.
Art Bears. Winter Songs.
Art Bears. The World as It Is Today.
Ash Ra Tempel. Ash Ra Tempel.
Boredoms. Seadrum/House of Sun.
Bowie, David. The Man who Sold the World.
Bowie, David. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.
Bowie, David. Aladdin Sane. 
Bowie, David. Diamond Dogs.
Bowie, David. “Rebel Rebel” b/w “Queen Bitch.”
Bowie, David. “Fame.”
Bowie, David. Low.
Bowie, David. 'Heroes.'
Bowie, David. Lodger. 
Bowie, David. Scary Monsters.
Bowie, David. Outside.
Bowie, David. Reality.
Bowie, David. Blackstar.
Bowie, David. No Plan.
Bush, Kate. On Stage.
Bush, Kate. Hounds of Love.
Can. Soundtracks.
Can. Tago Mago.
Can. Ege Bamyasi. 
Can. Future Days.
Can. The Lost Tapes. 
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band. Safe as Milk.
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band. Strictly Personal.
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band. Trout Mask Replica.
Cheap Trick. Cheap Trick (reissue w/bonus tracks). 
Cheap Trick. Heaven Tonight.
Cheap Trick. At Budokan.
Cheap Trick. Dream Police.
Cooper, Alice. Welcome to My Nightmare.
Costello, Elvis. This Year’s Model (UK version).
Coyne, Kevin. Marjory Razorblade.
Coyne, Kevin. Sanity Stomp.
Death. …For the Whole World to See.
Destroy All Monsters. Destroy All Monsters (aka Bored).
Devo. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! 
Electric Eels. Die Electric Eels. 
Electric Light Orchestra. Showdown.
Electric Light Orchestra. Face the Music.
Electric Light Orchestra. All over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra.
Embryo. Embryo’s Reise.
Eno, Brian. Here Come the Warm Jets. 
Eno, Brian. Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy).
Eno, Brian. Another Green World.
Eno, Brian. Before and After Science. 
Faust. The Faust Tapes.
Frith, Fred. Clearing.
Frith, Fred/Evelyn Glennie. The Sugar Factory. 
Gabriel, Peter. Peter Gabriel (1st album).
Gabriel, Peter. Peter Gabriel (2nd album).
Gabriel, Peter. Peter Gabriel (3rd album). 
Gabriel, Peter. So.
Gabriel, Peter. "Digging in the Dirt."
Hall, Daryl. Sacred Songs.
Hammill, Peter. The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage.
Hammill, Peter. In Camera.
Hammill, Peter. Nadir’s Big Chance.
Hammill, Peter. pH7.
Hawkwind. Hall of the Mountain Grill.
Henry Cow. In Praise of Learning.
Idol, Billy. Billy Idol.
Idol, Billy. Rebel Yell.
Iggy & the Stooges. Raw Power.
Iggy & the Stooges. “I Got a Right” (Original Version).
Jackson, Joe. I’m the Man. 
Jackson, Joe. At the BBC.
The Knack. Get the Knack.
Kraftwerk. Autobahn.
Kraftwerk. Radio-Activity.
Kraftwerk. Trans-Europe Express.
Kraftwerk. The Man-Machine.
Kraftwerk. Computer World.
Laughner, Peter & the Finns. “Baby’s on Fire” b/w “What Goes On.”
Lennon, John. Imagine.
Lennon, John. "#9 Dream."
Lennon, John/Yoko Ono. Double Fantasy.
Lennon, John/Plastic Ono Band. Plastic Ono Band. 
Lovich, Lene. Stateless.
Lovich, Lene. "New Toy."
Manzanera, Phil. Diamond Head.
MC5. Kick out the Jams. 
Mink DeVille. Cabretta.
Modern Lovers. The Modern Lovers.
Modern Lovers. 23 Great Recordings.
Nerves. One Way Ticket.
Neu! Neu! 
Neu! Neu! 2.
Neu! Neu! 75.
New York Dolls. New York Dolls. 
Ono, Yoko. Approximately Infinite Universe.
Ono, Yoko. Feeling the Space.
Ono, Yoko. “Walking on Thin Ice.”
Ono, Yoko. Walking on Thin Ice (compilation). 
Ono, Yoko/Plastic Ono Band. Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band.
OOIOO. Gold & Green. 
OOIOO. Taiga.
OOIOO. Armonico Hewa.
OOIOO. Gamel. 
Pere Ubu. The Modern Dance.
Pere Ubu. Terminal Tower.
Pink Fairies. Pink Fairies (compilation).
Plastic Ono Band. “Give Peace a Chance.”
Plastic Ono Band. “Cold Turkey.”
Plastic Ono Band. “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).”
Plastic Ono Band. “Instant Karma.” 
The Police. Outlandos d’Amour.
The Police. Reggatta de Blanc.
The Police. Zenyatta Mondatta.
The Police. Synchronicity.
Pop, Iggy. Lust for Life.
Pop, Iggy. New Values.
Pop, Iggy. American Caesar.
Popol Vuh. In den Gärten Pharaos.
Pretenders. The Pretenders.
Rocket from the Tombs. The Day the Earth Met the Rocket from the Tombs.
Roxy Music. Roxy Music.
Roxy Music. For Your Pleasure… 
Roxy Music. Stranded.
Roxy Music. Country Life.
Roxy Music. Siren.
Roxy Music. Manifesto (original version).
Roxy Music. Reflections.
Rundgren, Todd. A Wizard, a True Star.
Smith, Patti. Horses.
Soft Boys. Underwater Moonlight.
Sonic’s Rendezvous Band. “City Slang” b/w “Electrophonic Tonic.”
Sparks. A Woofer in Tweeter’s Clothing.
Stooges. The Stooges.
Stooges. Fun House. 
Sun City Girls. Sun City Girls.
Sun City Girls. Grotto of Miracles.
Sun City Girls. Torch of the Mystics.
Sun City Girls. Eye Mohini.
Sun City Girls. Borungku Si Derita.
Sun City Girls. You’re Never Alone with a Cigarette (compilation). 
Sun City Girls. Fruit of the Womb/Polite Deception. 
Sunday All Over the World. Kneeling at the Shrine.
Sweet. Desolation Boulevard (US version).
T. Rex. “Bang a Gong (Get It On)” b/w “Raw Ramp.”
T. Rex. The Slider.
T. Rex. “Solid Gold Easy Action” b/w “Born to Boogie.”
T. Rex. “Children of the Revolution” EP.
T. Rex. “20th Century Boy” b/w “Free Angel.”
T. Rex. “The Groover” b/w “Midnight.” 
T. Rex. Light of Love.
T. Rex. Futuristic Dragon.
T. Rex. “Celebrate Summer” b/w “Ride My Wheels.”
T. Rex. Dandy in the Underworld.
This Heat. This Heat.
This Heat. Deceit.
This Heat. Health and Efficiency/Repeat.
This Heat. Made Available.
Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground and Nico Produced by Andy Warhol.
Velvet Underground. White Light/White Heat.
Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground.
Zappa, Frank. Sleep Dirt (original version).
Zappa, Frank. "Dancin' Fool" b/w "Baby Snakes."
Zappa, Frank. You Are What You Is.
Zappa, Frank. Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch.
Zappa, Frank. You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1.
Zappa, Frank/Mothers. Over-Nite Sensation.
Zappa, Frank/Mothers. One Size Fits All.
Zolar X. Timeless (CD version).
Various artists. Cruising: Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.
Various artists. Punk 45: Burn, Rubber City, Burn! 
Various artists. Recommended Records Sampler (1982).

23 Skidoo. The Gospel Comes to New Guinea.
.45 Grave. Sleep in Safety.
Aksak Maboul. Un Peu de l’Âme des Bandits.
Au Pairs. You.
Au Pairs. “Diet” b/w “It’s Obvious.”
Au Pairs. Playing with a Different Sex.
B-52’s. The B-52’s.
Bane, Honey. You Can Be You. 
Bauhaus. “Bela Lugosi’s Dead.”
Bauhaus. In the Flat Field.
Bauhaus. 4AD. 
Bauhaus. Gotham. 
Berlin. “The Metro.”
Big Country. The Crossing.
The Birthday Party. Prayers on Fire.
Bow Wow Wow. Twelve Original Recordings.
Bow Wow Wow. See Jungle! See Jungle! Go Join Your Gang Yeah, City All Over! Go Ape Crazy!
Cabaret Voltaire. 2x45.
Camberwell Now. The Ghost Trade (reissue).
Chameleons. Script of the Bridge (UK version).
Chameleons. What Does Anything Mean? Basically.
Chameleons. “In Shreds” b/w “Nostalgia.”
Chameleons. Strange Times.
Chance, James/Contortions. Buy.
Christian Death. Only Theatre of Pain.
Christian Death. Deathwish.
Chrome. Half Machine Lip Moves.
The Church. Starfish.
Clarke, John Cooper. Innocents.
Cleaners from Venus. Midnight Cleaners.
Cleaners from Venus. Under Wartime Conditions.
Cocteau Twins. Head over Heels.
Cocteau Twins. Treasure.
Creatures. Boomerang.
The Cure. Seventeen Seconds.
The Cure. Pornography.
The Cure. Disintegration.
Da. “Dark Castles” b/w “White Rooms.” 
Delta 5. Singles & Sessions 1979-81.
Depeche Mode. Black Celebration.
Depeche Mode. Music for the Masses.
Depeche Mode. Violator.
Dury, Ian. New Boots and Panties!!
Echo & the Bunnymen. Porcupine.
Echo & the Bunnymen. Ocean Rain.
ESG. Come Away with ESG.
ESG. ESG (1981). 
Essential Logic. “Aerosol Burns” b/w “World Friction.”
Essential Logic. Beat Rhythm News.
Executive Slacks. You Can’t Hum When You’re Dead.
The Fall. Bingo Master’s Break-Out!
The Fall. Live at the Witch Trials.
The Fall. Slates.
The Fall. Hex Enduction Hour.
Fatal Microbes. Violence Grows.
Feelies. Crazy Rhythms.
Gang of Four. Entertainment!
Gang of Four. “Yellow” EP.
Gang of Four. Solid Gold. 
Gang of Four. Free E.P.
Glaxo Babies. Dreams Interrupted: The Bewilderbeat Years 1978-1980.
Japan. Adolescent Sex. 
Josef K. “It’s Kinda Funny.”
Josef K. Sorry for Laughing.
Joy Division. Unknown Pleasures.
Joy Division. Closer.
Joy Division. Substance (reissue w/B-sides).
Joy Division. The Peel Sessions (volume one).
Joy Division. Warsaw.
Joy Division. Les Bains Douches.
Killing Joke. Almost Red.
Killing Joke. Killing Joke (1980). 
Killing Joke. What’s THIS For…!
Killing Joke. Revelations.
Killing Joke. Fire Dances.
Killing Joke. "Ha": Killing Joke Live.
Killing Joke. Night Time.
Killing Joke. Brighter than a Thousand Suns.
Killing Joke. "Adorations" b/w "Exile."
Laughing Clowns. Ghosts of an Ideal Wife.
Leer, Thomas/Robert Rental. The Bridge.
Liquid Liquid. Slip In and Out of Phenomenon. 
Logic, Lora. Pedigree Charm.
Lords of the New Church. Lords of the New Church.
Lunch, Lydia. Queen of Siam.
Madness. One Step Beyond.
Magazine. “Shot by Both Sides” b/w “My Mind Ain’t So Open.”
Magazine. Real Life.
Magazine. “Give Me Everything” b/w “I Love You You Big Dummy.”
Magazine. Secondhand Daylight.
Magazine. The Correct Use of Soap.
Mars. 78.
Maximum Joy. “White & Green Place” b/w “Building Bridges” (12”).
Mekons. Teeth.
Mekuria, Getatchew, The Ex & Guests. Moa Anbessa.
Métal Urbain. “Panik.”
Midnight Oil. Head Injuries.
Mission of Burma. Signals, Calls and Marches (Definitive Edition).
Mission of Burma. Vs. (reissue w/bonus tracks).
Mission of Burma. Let There Be Burma.
Mission of Burma. OnOffOn.
Mission of Burma. The Obliterati.
New Model Army. “Great Expectations.” 
New Model Army. The Ghost of Cain. 
New Order. “Ceremony” b/w “In a Lonely Place” (original recording).
New Order. “Blue Monday.”
New Order. Brotherhood.
No Man. How the West Was Won.
The Normal. “Warm Leatherette” b/w “T.V.O.D.”
Numan, Gary. The Pleasure Principle.
The Passage. Pindrop.
Pigbag. "Papa's Got a Brand New Pigbag."
The Pop Group. "She Is Beyond Good and Evil" b/w "3:38."
The Pop Group. Y.
The Pop Group. “We Are All Prostitutes” b/w “Amnesty International Report.”
Propaganda. "Dr. Mabuse (13th Life Mix)."
Propaganda. A Secret Wish.
Propaganda. "Duel" b/w "Jewel (Cut Rough)."
Psychedelic Furs. Made of Rain.
Public Image Ltd. First Issue.
Public Image Ltd. Metal Box (or Second Edition).
Raincoats. Odyshape.
Rip Rig & Panic. I Am Cold. 
Screamers. Strength Through Intimidation. 
Scritti Politti. “Skank Bloc Bologna” EP.
Scritti Politti. Songs to Remember.
Siouxsie & the Banshees. The Scream.
Siouxsie & the Banshees. "The Staircase (Mystery)" b/w "20th Century Boy."
Siouxsie & the Banshees. “Mittageisen” b/w “Love in a Void.”
Siouxsie & the Banshees. Join Hands.
Siouxsie & the Banshees. Kaleidoscope. 
Siouxsie & the Banshees. Juju.
Siouxsie & the Banshees. “Fireworks.”
Siouxsie & the Banshees. Hyaena.
Siouxsie & the Banshees. Tinderbox.
Sisters of Mercy. “Dominion.”
Skids. Scared to Dance.
Slits. Cut. 
Slits. Return of the Giant Slits.
Slits. The Peel Sessions. 
Smiths. The Smiths (North American version). 
Smiths. Hatful of Hollow.
Smiths. Meat Is Murder.
Smiths. The Queen Is Dead. 
Smiths. Strangeways, Here We Come.
Smiths. Louder than Bombs.
Sonic Youth. Confusion Is Sex/Kill Yr Idols.
The Sound. Physical World.
The Sound. Jeopardy.
The Sound. From the Lion’s Mouth.
The Sound. All Fall Down.
The Sound. Heads and Hearts.
Stewart, Mark. Learning to Cope with Cowardice.
Suicide. Suicide (first album).
Swell Maps. A Trip to Marineville. 
Swell Maps. Jane from Occupied Europe. 
Talking Heads. Talking Heads 77.
Talking Heads. Remain in Light.
Talking Heads. “Burning Down the House.” 
Tappi Tíkarrass. Miranda.
Teenage Jesus & The Jerks. Shut Up and Bleed.
Theoretical Girls. Theoretical Girls.
Þeyr. Mjötviður Mær.
Þeyr. The Fourth Reich.
Þeyr. “The Walk”/“Positive Affirmations”/“Lunaire.”
Tubeway Army. Replicas.
Tuxedomoon. No Tears.
Tuxedomoon. Desire.
U2. War.
U2. Under a Blood Red Sky.
U2. The Joshua Tree. 
U2. The Unforgettable Fire.
Vega, Alan/Alex Chilton/Ben Vaughn. Cubist Blues.
Violent Femmes. Violent Femmes.
We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It. EP.
Wire. Pink Flag.
Wire. “Dot Dash” b/w “Options-R.”
Wire. Chairs Missing.
Wire. 154.
Wire. The Ideal Copy.
Wire. A Bell Is a Cup… Until It is Struck.
Wire. Send Ultimate.
Wire. Object 47. 
Wire. Legal Bootleg Series: 21 Jul 1988 Astoria, London.
XTC. Mummer.
Young Marble Giants. Colossal Youth.
Zounds. “Can’t Cheat Karma” b/w “War/Subvert.”
Various artists. C86.
Various artists. Fast Product: Mutant Pop 78/79.
Various artists. GRLZ: Women Ahead of Their Time.
Various artists. N.Y. No Wave: The Ultimate East Village 80’s Soundtrack.
Various artists. URGH! A Music War.

7 Seconds. Skins, Brains & Guts.
7 Seconds. Committed for Life.
7 Seconds. The Crew.
7 Seconds. Walk Together, Rock Together.
7 Seconds. Old School.
7 Seconds. The Music, the Message.
7 Seconds. Good to Go.
Abandoned. Killed by Faith.
Adolescents. Adolescents.
Agnostic Front. Victim in Pain.
Antidote. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Articles of Faith. Core.
Bad Brains. “Pay to Cum” b/w “Stay Close to Me.”
Bad Brains. Bad Brains.
Bad Brains. “I & I Survive”/”Destroy Babylon.”
Bad Brains. Rock for Light (PVC mix).
Bad Brains. Black Dots. 
Bad Brains. Live at CBGB 1982.
Bad Religion. How Could Hell Be Any Worse?.
Beastie Boys. Polly Wog Stew. 
Beastie Boys. Aglio e Olio.
BGK. A Dutch Feast.
Big Black. Atomizer.
Big Black. Songs About Fucking.
Big Boys. Where’s My Towel?/Industry Standard.
Big Boys. No Matter How Long the Line is at the Cafeteria, There’s Always a Seat!
Big Boys. The Skinny Elvis.
Big Boys. The Fat Elvis.
Black Flag. Damaged.
Black Flag. The First Four Years.
Black Flag. My War.
Black Flag. Slip It In. 
Black Flag. Loose Nut.
Black Flag. The Process of Weeding Out.
Black Flag. In My Head.
Black Flag. Pre-“My War” Demos 1982.
Comes. No Side. 
Confuse. Nuclear Addicts.
Corrosion of Conformity. Eye for an Eye.
Corrosion of Conformity. Six Songs with Mike Singing.
Crucifix. Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Dead Kennedys. Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables.
Dead Kennedys. In God We Trust, Inc.
Dead Kennedys. Plastic Surgery Disasters.
Dead Kennedys. Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death.
Descendents. Milo Goes to College.
D.I. Ancient Artifacts. 
Dicks. The Dicks Hate the Police.
Dirty Rotten Imbeciles. Violent Pacification.
Discharge. Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing.
Discharge. Never Again. 
DYS. Brotherhood (aka Wolfpack).
DYS. DYS (aka Fire & Ice). 
Effigies. Remains Nonviewable.
The Execute. Spend Your Money.
The Faction. No Hidden Messages.
The Faction. Dark Room.
The Faith. Subject to Change. 
The Faith/Void. Faith/Void (split).
False Prophets. Blind Roaches and Fat Vultures: Phantasmagoric Beasts of the Reagan Era.
Fear. The Record.
The Fix. At the Speed of Twisted Thought.
Flipper. Generic.
Flipper. Gone Fishin’.
Flipper. Sex Bomb Baby!
Germs. (GI).
GISM. Detestation. 
Government Issue. Make an Effort. 
Government Issue. Government Issue.
Guns. The Guns. 
H.R. It’s About Luv.
Hüsker Dü. Metal Circus.
Hüsker Dü. Zen Arcade. 
Hüsker Dü. New Day Rising.
Hüsker Dü. Flip Your Wig.
Hüsker Dü. Candy Apple Grey.
Hüsker Dü. Everything Falls Apart and More.
Die Kreuzen. Cows and Beer.
Die Kreuzen. Die Kreuzen.
Kuro. 1983-1985.
LSD. Lustmord, Snatch, Death’Ein Bodie = LSD.
Ludichrist. Immaculate Deception.
Lunch Meat/Mission Impossible. Thanks.
McRad. Absence of Sanity (reissue w/bonus tracks).
Middle Class. Out of Vogue – The Early Material.
Minor Threat. Out of Step.
Minor Threat. Minor Threat (first two 7”s).
Minor Threat. Out of Step Out Takes.
Minutemen. Paranoid Time.
Minutemen. The Punch Line.
Minutemen. Buzz or Howl under the Influence of Heat.
Minutemen. Double Nickels on the Dime.
Misfits. Walk Among Us.
Misfits. Earth A.D./Wolfsblood.
Misfits. Die Die My Darling.
Misfits. Misfits (Collection I).
Misfits. Static Age.
Naked Raygun. Throb Throb. 
Necros. Conquest for Death (reissue w/EP’s included).
Negative Approach. Negative Approach.
Negative Approach. Tied Down. 
Negative Approach. Total Recall.
No Trend. No Trend (aka Teen Love 7”). 
No Trend. Too Many Humans.
No Trend. When Death Won’t Solve Your Problem. 
The Proletariat. Soma Holiday.
The Proletariat. Indifference.
The Proletariat. Voodoo Economics and Other American Tragedies.
Razor Blades. Hateful Youth 1982-84.
Reagan Youth. Vol. 1.
Really Red. Teaching You the Fear.
Rebel Truth. Rebel Truth. 
Reflex from Pain. Checkered Future.
Rudimentary Peni. The EPs of RP.
Saccharine Trust. Paganicons.
Saccharine Trust. Surviving You, Always.
Scream. Still Screaming.
Scream. This Side Up.
Septic Death. Now That I Have the Attention, What Do I Do With It?
Skewbald/Grand Union. Skewbald/Grand Union.
Social Unrest. Making Room for Youth.
Social Unrest. Rat in a Maze.
Social Unrest. SU-2000.
SS Decontrol. The Kids Will Have Their Say.
SS Decontrol. Get It Away.
The Stalin. Stop Jap.
The Stalin. Mushi.
State. No Illusions.
Suicidal Tendencies. Suicidal Tendencies.
TSOL. Dance with Me.
TSOL. Beneath the Shadows.
Unity. You Are One.
Urban Waste. Urban Waste.
Vatican Commandos. Hit Squad for God.
Vice Squad. Resurrection. 
Wasted Youth. Reagan’s In.
Youth Brigade (CA). Sound & Fury (1983 version).
Youth Brigade (DC). Complete First Demo. 
Various artists. Four Old 7”s on a 12”.
Various artists. Great Punk Hits (Japan).
Various artists. Hell Comes to Your House. 
Various artists. Let Them Eat Jellybeans!
Various artists. Nardcore.
Various artists. P.E.A.C.E./War.
Various artists. Russia Bombs Finland.
Various artists. Something to Believe In. 
Various artists. This Is Boston Not L.A. 
Various artists. Welcome to 1984.
Various artists. World Class Punk (ROIR). 

97a. Abandoned Future (incl. Better off Dead). 
97a. It’s in Our Power.
A18. Forever After Nothing.
AFI. Very Proud of Ya.
AFI. Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes.
AFI. A Fire Inside.
AFI. Black Sails EP.
AFI. Black Sails in the Sunset (LP version).
AFI. All Hallows.
AFI. The Art of Drowning.
AFI. 336.
AFI. Sing the Sorrow (UK version w/”Synesthesia”).
Against the Wall. Identify Me.
Agnostic Front. Liberty & Justice for…
Amendment Eighteen. All My Heroes Are Dead.
Angel Du$t. A.D.
Angel Du$t. Rock the Fuck On Forever.
Avail. Attempt to Regress.
Avail. Dixie.
Bad Brains. I Against I.
Bad Brains. Quickness.
Bad Brains. The Youth Are Getting Restless. 
Bad Brains. Spirit Electricity.
Bad Brains. God of Love.
Bad Brains. Build a Nation.
Bad Brains. Into the Future.
Bad Religion. Suffer.
Bad Religion. No Control.
Bad Religion. Against the Grain.
Bad Religion. Generator.
Bad Religion. 80-85 (or How Could Hell Be Any Worse? expanded CD reissue).
Bad Religion. Recipe for Hate.
Bad Religion. Stranger than Fiction.
Bad Religion. The Gray Race.
Bad Religion. The Process of Belief.
Bad Religion. The Empire Strikes First.
Bad Religion. New Maps of Hell. 
Bane. Give Blood.
Bastard. Wind of Pain (expanded).
Battery. Whatever It Takes. 
Better than a Thousand. Just One.
Better than a Thousand. Value Driven.
Beyond. No Longer at Ease.
Biohazard. Urban Discipline.
Biohazard. State of the World Address. 
Biohazard. Mata Leão.
Black Widows. Stops a Beating Heart.
Bl’ast! It’s in My Blood. 
Bl’ast! Take the Manic Ride.
Bl’ast! Blood. 
Bold. Looking Back.
Born Against. Born Against. 
Broken Neck. Paranoid.
Carry Nation. Face the Nation.
Cause for Alarm. Cheaters and the Cheated.
Cause for Alarm. Birth after Birth.
Cause for Alarm. Nothing Ever Dies.
Cause for Alarm/Warzone. Split.
Chain of Strength. What Holds Us Apart.
Chain of Strength. The One Thing that Still Holds True.
Changes. Lost at Sea.
Charge. Eye for All.
Charge. Universal Tribe.
A Chorus of Disapproval. Full Circle Stop.
Citizen’s Arrest. A Light in the Darkness.
CIV. Set Your Goals. 
CIV. Social Climber.
Classics of Love. Classics of Love.
Conflict. It’s Time to See Who’s Who Now.
Counterblast. Karma Crusher.
Cro-Mags. Age of Quarrel. 
Crumbsuckers. Life of Dreams. 
Death Side. Bet on the Possibility.
Death Side. The Will Never Die (compilation). 
Death Wish Kids. There’s Nothing in School They Can’t Teach You on the Streets.
Descendents. 'Merican.
Down by Law. Punkrockacademyfightsong.
Downset. Do We Speak a Dead Language? 
End It. Unpleasant Living.
Face to Face. Don’t Turn Away.
Face to Face. Big Choice.
Face to Face. Face to Face. 
Fireburn. Don’t Stop the Youth.
Fireburn. “Shine” b/w “The Controller.” 
Fish Wives. Fish Wives. 
Gauze. Equalizing Distort +.
Good Riddance. A Comprehensive Guide to Moderne Rebellion.
Gorilla Biscuits. Gorilla Biscuits.
Gorilla Biscuits. Start Today. 
H2O. Thicker than Water. 
Hatebreed. Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire.
His Hero Is Gone. Monuments to Thieves.
His Hero Is Gone. Fifteen Counts of Arson.
His Hero Is Gone. The Plot Sickens: Enslavement Redefined.
Ignite. Call on My Brothers.
Ignite. Past Our Means. 
Ignite. A Place Called Home.
Th’Inbred. Kissin Cousins.
Infest. Slave.
Infest. Infest (aka Mankind).
Inside Out. No Spiritual Surrender (CD version w/bonus tracks). 
Insted. Bonds of Friendship.
Insted. We’ll Make the Difference.
Insted. What We Believe.
Insted. Bonds of Friendship/We’ll Make the Difference.
Integrity. Those who Fear Tomorrow.
Integrity. Humanity Is the Devil.
Integrity. Systems Overload. 
Integrity. Seasons in the Size of Days.
Iron Chic. Not Like This.
Judge. Bringin’ It Down. 
Kashmar. Gnev.
Kashmar/Total Vomit Experience. (Split.)
Kid Dynamite. Kid Dynamite.
Krimewatch. Demo 2016.
Leeway. Born to Expire. 
Leeway. Desperate Measures.
Lip Cream. Kill Ugly Pop.
Lip Cream. 9 Shocks Terror.
Madball. Droppin' Many Suckers.
Madball. Demonstrating My Style.
Maximum Penalty. Superlife. 
The Mob. We Come to Crush.
Mouthpiece. What Was Said.
Mouthpiece. Face Tomorrow. 
My Revenge! Both Feet over the Line.
Nerve Agents. Nerve Agents.
Nerve Agents. The Butterfly Collection.
Nightmare. Footprints of the Wind. 
No for an Answer. You Laugh.
No Use for a Name. The Daily Grind. 
OFF! The First Four EPs.
The Offspring. Smash.
On a Solid Rock. Where Kids Don’t Play.
Otoboke Beaver. Itekoma Hits.
Overstand. Razor’s Edge/Kali Yuga. 
Pagan Rituals. Pagan Rituals.
Paint It Black. Invisible.
Paint It Black. Famine.
Pennywise. Pennywise. 
Pennywise. Unknown Road.
Pennywise. About Time.
Pillärs. Abandoned.
Pillärs. Failed State.
Pillärs/Wallcreeper. Split.
Projectors. Demo. 
Propagandhi. How to Clean a Couple o' Things.
The Prowl. What Are You Doing?
The Prowl. Misery.
Rancid. Rancid (1993).
Reason to Believe. The Next Door.
Redemption 87. All Guns Poolside.
Redheaded Stepchildren. Test Subject.
Redheaded Stepchildren. Part of the Problem.
Redheaded Stepchildren/The Infected. Split 7”.
Redheaded Stepchildren. Reconstruction of Once Shattered States of Mind.
Rich Kids on LSD. Rock & Roll Nightmare.
Rich Kids on LSD. Riches to Rags.
Rollins Band. Life Time. 
Rorschach. Remain Sedate.
Rorschach. Needlepack.
Rorschach. Protestant. 
Running Like Thieves. Same Time Next Year.
Scowl. Psychic Dance Routine.
Sheer Terror. Just Can't Hate Enough.
Sick of It All. Blood, Sweat, and No Tears.
Sick of It All. Scratch the Surface. 
Sick of It All. Built to Last.
Sick of It All. Call to Arms. 
Sick of It All. Based on a True Story.
Sick of It All. XXV Nonstop.
Side by Side. You’re Only Young Once.
Snapcase. Lookinglasself.
Snapcase. Steps.
Snapcase. Progression Through Unlearning.
Snapcase. Designs for Automotion. 
Snuff. Demmamussabebonk.
Social Unrest. Before the Fall.
Social Unrest. Now and Forever. 
Soulfire. Demo.
Spudmonsters. Moment of Truth.
Suicidal Tendencies. Still Cyco after All These Years.
Swiz. Hell Yes I Cheated.
Swiz. With Dave.
Taqbir. Victory Belongs to Those who Fight for a Right Cause.
Token Entry. Jaybird. 
Total Chaos. Pledge of Defiance.
Tragedy. Tragedy.
Turning Point. 1988-1991.
Turnstile. Time & Space.
Turnstile. Glow On.
Underdog. Demos.
Underdog. The Vanishing Point.
Undertow. Control.
Uniform Choice. Screaming for Change. 
Verbal Assault. Trial.
Warhead. Cry of Truth.
Warhead. Warhead.
Warzone. Don’t Forget the Struggle, Don’t Forget the Streets. 
Warzone. Lower East Side.
Warzone. The Sound of Revolution. 
What Feeds the Fire. Set Me Free (CD version).
White Lung. It’s the Evil.
White Lung. Sorry.
White Lung. Deep Fantasy. 
World Collapse. “On the Attack”/“The Second Life.”
Yambag. Strength in Nightmares.
Youth of Today. Can’t Close My Eyes.
Youth of Today. Break Down the Walls.
Youth of Today. We’re Not in This Alone (any mix but Caroline).
Youth of Today. Youth of Today. 
Various artists. All Systems Go!
Various artists. Murders Among Us.
Various artists. New Breed. 
Various artists. New York City Hardcore: The Way It Is.
Various artists. The Rebirth of Hardcore: 1999.
Various artists. Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs to Benefit the West Memphis Three.
Various artists. Violent World: A Tribute to the Misfits.

7 Seconds. New Wind. 
7 Seconds. Praise.
7 Seconds. Soulforce Revolution.
108. Holyname.
108. Songs of Separation.
108. Threefold Misery. 
108. 18.61.
411. Say It.
411. This Isn’t Me.
Alloy. Eliminate.
Beefeater. House Burning Down.
Big Rig. Expansive Heart.
Bitter Branches. Your Neighbors Are Failures.
Botch. American Nervoso.
Botch. We Are the Romans. 
Boysetsfire. This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice Is Being Born.
Braid. Frame & Canvas.
Burn. Burn.
Burn. Last Great Sea.
By the Grace of God. For the Love of Indie Rock (CD version).
By the Grace of God. Perspective.
Candiria. 300% Density.
Candiria. The C.O.M.A. Imprint.
Cap'n Jazz. Analphabetapolothology.
Cave In. Beyond Hypothermia.
Cave In. Until Your Heart Stops.
Cave In. Jupiter. 
Circus Lupus. “Tightrope Walker” b/w “Chinese Nitro.”
Circus Lupus. Solid Brass. 
Converge. Jane Doe. 
Converge. Unloved and Weeded Out (compilation).
Converge. You Fail Me.
Converge. Petitioning Forever.
Converge. Axe to Fall.
Culture. Born of You.
Cursive. The Storms of Early Summer: Semantics of Song.
Cursive. Domestica.
Cursive. Happy Hollow.
Dag Nasty. Can I Say.
Dag Nasty. Wig Out at Denko’s.
Dag Nasty. Field Day. 
Dag Nasty. 85-86 (w/two versions of “Another Wrong”).
Dag Nasty. Minority of One.
Damnation A.D. No More Dreams of Happy Endings. 
Damnation A.D. Misericordia.
Difference Engine. Breadmaker.
Drive Like Jehu. “Bullet Train to Vegas” b/w “Hand Over Fist.”
Drive Like Jehu. Yank Crime.
Earth Crisis. Destroy the Machines.
Earth Crisis. Gomorrah's Season Ends.
Easy Creatures. Low Fidelity. 
Elliott. In Transit. 
Elliott. U.S. Songs.
Enkindel. Some Assembly Required.
Embrace. Embrace.
Engine Kid. “Heater Sweats Nails” b/w “Husk.” 
Farside. Rigged.
Fidelity Jones. “Venus on Lovely” b/w “Destructor.” 
Field Day. Opposite Land.
Fountainhead. Drain. 
Friction. Blurred in Six.
Frontier(s). There Will Be No Miracles Here. 
Frontier(s). White Lights.
Fugazi. Fugazi.
Fugazi. Margin Walker.
Fugazi. Repeater. 
Fugazi. Steady Diet of Nothing.
Fugazi. In on the Killtaker. 
Fugazi. Red Medicine.
Fugazi. End Hits.
Fugazi. The Argument. 
Fugazi. “Furniture.”
Fugazi. December 28, 1987 (Washington, D.C.).
Fugazi. June 28, 1992 (Berlin, Germany).
Fugazi. November 4, 2002 (London, U.K.).
Gandiva. Gandiva.
Girls Against Boys. Tropic of Scorpio.
Government Issue. You.
Gray Matter. Food for Thought.
Gray Matter. Take It Back.
The Great Deceiver. Cave-In.
Guilt. Synesthesia.
Guilt. Bardstown Ugly Box.
Guilt. Further.
Guilt. Bittersweet Blue.
Happy Go Licky. Will Play.
Have Heart. Songs to Scream at the Sun. 
Hey Mercedes. Loses Control.
Hot Water Music. Fuel for the Hate Game.
Iceburn. “Burn” b/w “Fall.”
Ignition. Sinker/Anger Means.
Ignition. The Orafying Mysticle of…
Indecision. Unorthodox.
Ink & Dagger. Drive This Seven Inch Wooden Stake Through My Philadelphia Heart.
Ink & Dagger. The Fine Art of Original Sin.
Into Another. Into Another.
Into Another. Creepy Eepy.
Into Another. Ignaurus.
Into Another. Poison Fingers. 
Into Another. Seemless.
Into Another. Omens.
Jawbox. For Your Own Special Sweetheart. 
Jawbreaker. Unfun.
Jawbreaker. Bivouac.
Jawbreaker. 24 Hour Revenge Therapy.
Jawbreaker. Dear You.
The Judas Factor. Ballads in Blue China.
Letters. Letters.
Lifetime. Background.
Lifetime. Hello Bastards. 
Majority of One. 2000 Years of Indecision.
Marginal Man. Identity.
mewithoutYou. Blood Enough for Us All.
Militarie Gun. My Life Is Over.
Militarie Gun. All Roads Lead to the Gun.
Militarie Gun. All Roads Lead to the Gun II.
Morning Again. As Tradition Dies Slowly.
Narcissus. And Forthwith Came Out Blood and Water.
Narcissus. Newwave Techno Homicide.
Narcissus. Becoming Leviathan.
Nomeansno. Wrong. 
Old Accusers. Of and Beyond.
Oldest. Oldest.
One Last Wish. 1986. 
Orange 9mm. Orange 9mm.
Orchid. Chaos Is Me.
Out of Body. Evaporate.
Out of Body. Voiceless.
Out of Body. Son Sun.
Pictures of Gabriel. Demo. 
Poison the Well. Distance Only Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.
Poison the Well. The Opposite of December.
Prema. Drivel.
Pretty Girls Make Graves. Good Health.
The Promise Ring/Texas Is the Reason. Split.
Quicksand. Quicksand.
Quicksand. Slip.
Quicksand. Manic Compression.
Quicksand. Interiors.
Quicksand. Triptych Continuum.
Rainer Maria. A Better Version of Me.
Red Hare. Nites of Midnite.
Red Hare. Lexicon Mist.
Refused. The New Noise Theology.
Rites of Spring. Rites of Spring.
Rodan. Fifteen Quiet Years.
Samiam. Samiam.
Samiam. Soar. 
Samiam. Billy.
Saves the Day. Can’t Slow Down.
Seaweed. Spanaway.
Shelter. Perfection of Desire. 
Shelter. No Compromise.
Shelter. Quest for Certainty.
Shelter. Attaining the Supreme.
Shelter. Mantra.
Shelter. Beyond Planet Earth. 
Shelter. When 20 Summers Pass.
Sial. Zaman Edan.  
Sludgeworth. Sludgeworth.
Small Brown Bike. Our Own Wars.
Statue. Filter the Infection.
Sunny Day Real Estate. Diary (reissue w/tracks from Thief, Steal Me a Peach). 
Sunny Day Real Estate. LP2 (expanded reissue).
Sunny Day Real Estate. How It Feels to Be Something On.
Sunny Day Real Estate. The Rising Tide.
Sunny Day Real Estate. Diary: Live at London Bridge Studio. 
Swarm. Survive the System.
Swarm. Criminal Clockwork.
Sweetbelly Freakdown. Sweetbelly Freakdown.
Texas Is the Reason. Texas Is the Reason.
Thursday. No Devolución.
Trap Them. Darker Handcraft. 
Uniform Choice. Staring into the Sun.
United Sons of Toil. Hope Is Not a Strategy.
United Sons of Toil. Until Lions Have Their Historians, Tales of the Hunt Shall Always Glorify the Hunter.
United Sons of Toil. When the Revolution Comes, Everything Will Be Beautiful.
Until Your Heart Stops. Errors.
Unwound. Repetition.
Veil. Veil (aka The Works).
Warmers. “Thin Air.”
Various artists. Anti-Matter. 
Various artists. Eternity: An East Coast Hardcore Compilation.
Various artists. In-Flight Program: Revelation Records Collection ‘97.
Various artists. Music for the Proletariat.
Various artists. Sign Language.
Various artists. State of the Union.

Abyssinians. Satta Massagana. 
Althea & Donna. Uptown Top Ranking.
Andy, Horace. In the Light.
Andy, Horace. Dance Hall Style.
Andy, Horace. Zion Sessions. 
Apache Indian. No Reservations.
Bad Brains. I & I Survived. 
Brown, Dennis. Just Dennis.
Brown, Dennis. “Cassandra” b/w “Fire from the Observer.”
Brown, Dennis. “Why Fools.”
The Bug. Pressure.
The Bug. London Zoo.
The Bug. “Can’t Take This No More” b/w “Rise Up.”
The Bug/Warrior Queen. Aktion Pak.
The Bug/Warrior Queen. “Dem a Bomb We.”
Burning Spear. Marcus Garvey. 
Burning Spear. Garvey’s Ghost.
Burning Spear. Gold. 
Campbell, Cornell. I Shall Not Remove 1975-80.
Campbell, Cornell. "Drifter."
Clarke, Johnny. Enter into His Gates with Praise.
Clarke, Johnny. "Don't Trouble Trouble" b/w "A Ruffer Version."
Clarke, Johnny. Rockers Time Now.
Clarke, Johnny. "Blood Dunza" b/w version.
Clarke, Johnny. "The Ruler (aka Cold I Up)" b/w version.
Cliff, Jimmy. Rebirth.
Congos. Heart of the Congos (remastered reissue). 
Culture. Two Sevens Clash. 
Davis, Ronnie. “Power of Love” b/w “King Tubby’s in Fine Style.”
Dr. Israel/Dreadtone International. Patterns of War. 
Dread, Mikey. Dread at the Controls.
Dread, Mikey. World War III.
The Dub Syndicate. The Pounding System (Ambience in Dub).
English Beat. I Just Can’t Stop It. 
Gladiators. Trench Town Mix Up. 
H.R. Charge.
Hudson, Keith. “Darkest Night on a Wet Looking Road.”
Hudson, Keith. Entering the Dragon.
Inner Circle/Jacob Miller. Forward Jah Jah Children.
Jackson, Vivian (aka Yabby You). Conquering Lion. 
Johnson, Linton Kwesi (aka Poet and the Roots). Dread Beat an’ Blood.
Johnson, Linton Kwesi. Forces of Victory.
Johnson, Linton Kwesi. Making History.
Kid606/The Bug feat. Wayne Lonesome. Buckle Up.
King Midas Sound. Waiting for You… 
King Midas Sound. Without You.
King Tubby. Dub from the Roots.
King Tubby. From the Palace of Dub (aka Loving Memory Dub). 
Mad Professor/Jah Shaka. New Decade of Dub.
Major Lazer. Guns Don’t Kill People… Lazers Do.
Marley, Bob & the Wailers. Live at the Lyceum.
Marley, Bob & the Wailers. Rastaman Vibration.
Marley, Bob & the Wailers. Exodus.
Marley, Bob & the Wailers. Uprising.
Marley, Damian. “Welcome to Jamrock” b/w “Lyrical .44.”
McCook, Tommy & The Agrovators. King Tubby Meets the Agrovators at Dub Station (reissue w/bonus tracks).
Meditations. Guidance.
Meditations. Greatest Hits.
Miller, Jacob. Who Say Jah No Dread. 
Niney the Observer. "Mutiny" (aka "Confusion in a Babylon") b/w version.
Pablo, Augustus. King Tubby’s Meets Rockers Uptown.
Pablo, Augustus. East of the River Nile.
Razor X Productions. Killing Sound. 
Robinson, Roger. Dis Side ah Town.
Romeo, Max & the Upsetters. War in a Babylon.
Scientist. Heavyweight Dub Champion.
Scientist. Scientist Rids the World of the Evil Curse of the Vampires.
Sherwood, Adrian. Becoming a Cliché (and optionally +Dub Cliché). 
Skatalites. Scattered Lights.
Skatalites. Foundation Ska.
Specials. The Specials (US version w/“Gangsters”).
Specials. More Specials (US version w/“Rat Race”).
Specials. “Ghost Town” (12” version). 
Systemwide. Pure and Applied.
Thompson, Linval. “Jah Jah the Conqueror” b/w version. 
Toots & the Maytals. In the Dark.
Tosh, Peter. Legalize It.
Upsetters. Upsetters 14 Dub: Blackboard Jungle.
Upsetters. Super Ape.
Wailers. Burnin'.
Various artists. 300% Dynamite!
Various artists. The Harder They Come. 
Various artists. Rockers Almighty Dub.
Various artists. Taxi DJ Link. 
Various artists/Diplo/Santogold. Top Ranking Santogold: A Diplo Dub.
Various artists/Lee Perry. Scratch on the Wire.

B., Eric & Rakim. Paid in Full.
Beastie Boys. Paul’s Boutique.
Beastie Boys. Live at Loreley ‘98. 
Beastie Boys. Hello Nasty.
Blow, Kurtis. “The Breaks.”
Blow, Kurtis. “Tough.”
Cold Crush Brothers/Fantastic Romantic 5. D.J. Charlie Chase Presents Cold Crush Brothers vs. Fantastic Romantic 5: Live MC Battles from Harlem World 1981.
The Coup. Sorry to Bother You.
Death Grips. Exmilitary.
Death Grips. The Money Store.
Death Grips. No Love Deep Web.
The D.O.C. No One Can Do It Better.
Dr. Dre. The Chronicle: The Best of the Works.
Dr. Dre/Snoop Doggy Dogg. "Deep Cover."
Grandmaster Flash. “The Message.”
Grandmaster Melle Mel. “White Lines.”
Ice-T. Rhyme Pays.
Ice-T. Power.
Ice-T. “Lethal Weapon”/”This One’s for Me”/”Heartbeat.”
Ice-T. O.G. Original Gangster. 
Jay Mel. You Know.
J.J. Fad. Supersonic: The Album.
Killer Mike. R.A.P. Music.
Kode9 & The Spaceape. Black Sun.
KRS-One. A Retrospective.
LL Cool J. Radio.
MC Lyte. Eyes on This.
New Flesh for Old. Equilibrium. 
N.W.A. The Best of N.W.A.: The Strength of Street Knowledge. 
P.O.S. Never Better.
Public Enemy. "You're Gonna Get Yours."
Public Enemy. It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back.
Public Enemy. Fear of a Black Planet.
Public Enemy. Apocalypse 91 … The Enemy Strikes Black.
Public Enemy. Music Sick-N-Hour Mess Age. 
Public Enemy. There’s a Poison Goin On….
Run-D.M.C. Run-D.M.C.
Run-D.M.C. Raising Hell.
Run-D.M.C. “Walk This Way” b/w “King of Rock.”
Run-D.M.C. “Run’s House” b/w “Beats to the Rhyme.”
Run the Jewels. Run the Jewels. 
Time Zone. “World Destruction.”
Wu-Tang Clan. Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers).
Young Fathers. Tape One.
Young Fathers. Tape Two.
Young Fathers. Get Up.
Young Fathers. Dead. 
Young Fathers. Cocoa Sugar.
Various artists. Fly Girls! B-Boys Beware: Revenge of the Super Female Rappers! (Volume 1).

Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra. “Che Che Colé.” 
Bar-Kays. Soul Finger.
Bar-Kays. Black Rock.
Brown, James. A Soulful Christmas.
Brown, James. The Payback.
Brown, James. Solid Gold. 
Brown, James. Funk Power 1970: A Brand New Thang. 
Brown, James. Love, Power, Peace. 
Chambers Brothers. The Time Has Come.
Chic. “Le Freak.”
Chic. “Everybody Dance.”
Chic. Les Plus Grands Succes de Chic.
Contours. “Do You Love Me.”
Davis, Betty. Betty Davis.
Davis, Spencer/Spencer Davis Group. The Very Best of the Spencer Davis Group.
DJ Shadow. Endtroducing…
East of Underground. East of Underground.
En Vogue. "Free Your Mind."
En Vogue. "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)."
Funkadelic. Maggot Brain.
Funkadelic. Cosmic Slop.
Funkadelic. Standing on the Verge of Getting It On.
Hayes, Isaac. Hot Buttered Soul.
Hayes, Isaac. Joy.
Isley Brothers. Go for Your Guns.
Kid Creole & the Coconuts. Off the Coast of Me.
Kid Creole & the Coconuts. “He’s Not Such a Bad Guy after All” b/w “There but for the Grace of God Go I” (12”).
Kid Creole & the Coconuts. Fresh Fruit in Foreign Places.
Kid Creole & the Coconuts/Coati Mundi. "Que Pasa/Me No Pop I" (12").
Kool & The Gang. Wild and Peaceful.
Mayfield, Curtis. Curtis.
Mayfield, Curtis. Super Fly.
Nu Yorican Soul. “The Nervous Track” (12”).
Robotnick, Alexander. “Problémes d’Amour (Ah Ou Ah Version)” (12”).
Ross, Diana/Supremes. Greatest Hits (1967).
Section 25. “Looking from a Hilltop” (12”).
Sly & the Family Stone. Greatest Hits.
Sly & the Family Stone. The Woodstock Experience (incl. Stand!).
Tom Tom Club. Tom Tom Club.
Tower of Power. “What Is Hip?” b/w “Clever Girl.”
War. The World Is a Ghetto.
War. Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Wonder, Stevie. “Superstition.”
Wonder, Stevie. Innervisions.
Wonder, Stevie. Songs in the Key of Life.
Wright, Charles/Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band. "Express Yourself."
Various artists. Soul Christmas.

Atkins, Chet. Christmas with Chet Atkins.
Basho, Robbie. Zarthus.
Basho, Robbie. Guitar Soli.
Berry, Chuck. The Great Twenty-Eight. 
Bishop, Sir Richard. While My Guitar Violently Bleeds.
Brown, Roy. Good Rockin' Tonight (live, released 1982).
Buchanan, Roy. Roy Buchanan. 
Bull, Sandy. Fantasias for Guitar and Banjo.
Bull, Sandy. Inventions.
Callier, Terry. The New Folk Sound of Terry Callier.
Carter, Goree & His Hepcats. Rock Awhile (compilation).
Celentano, Adriano. Adriano (Ariola, 1971).
Celentano, Adriano. Il Meglio di Adriano Celentano (1975).
Chapman, Michael. Rainmaker. 
Cochran, Eddie. Legendary Masters Series.
Comus. First Utterance.
Dale, Dick. King of the Surf Guitar: The Best of Dick Dale & His Del-Tones.
Doggett, Bill. “Honky Tonk.”
Donovan. Catch the Wind.
Drake, Nick. Pink Moon. 
Dylan, Bob. The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.
Eddy, Duane. Have “Twangy” Guitar Will Travel.
Fahey, John. Death Chants, Breakdowns, & Military Waltzes (1967 version).
Fahey, John. The New Possibility.
Fahey, John. The Yellow Princess.
Fahey, John. Fare Forward Voyagers (Soldier's Choice).
Fahey, John. Live in Tasmania.
Fahey, John. City of Refuge.
Giovanni, Paul/Magnet. The Wicker Man (Trunk master).
Giovanni, Paul/Magnet. The Wicker Man (Silva Screen master).
Glenn-Copeland, Beverly. Beverly Glenn-Copeland.
Graham, Davy. Folk, Blues, & Beyond… 
Graham, Davy. Large as Life and Twice as Natural.
Guy, Buddy. Sweet Tea.
Guy, Buddy. Living Proof. 
Heat, Reverend Horton. Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em.
Higgs, Daniel. Beyond & Between.
Hooker, John Lee. I'm John Lee Hooker.
Hooker, John Lee. Travelin'.
Hooker, John Lee. That's My Story.
Hooker, John Lee. Burning Hell.
Hooker, John Lee. John Lee Hooker’s Detroit.
Hooker, John Lee. More Real Folk Blues. 
Hopkins, Lightnin’. “Merry Christmas” b/w “Happy New Year.”
Hopkins, Lightnin’. Lightnin’ Hopkins (aka The Roots of Lightnin’ Hopkins).
Howlin’ Wolf. Moanin’ in the Moonlight.
Howlin’ Wolf. Howlin’ Wolf.
Howlin’ Wolf. The Real Folk Blues.
Howlin’ Wolf. More Real Folk Blues.
Humes, Helen. Be-Baba-Leba (1944-52).
Imlach, Hamish. Hamish Imlach.
James, Elmore. Red Hot Blues.
James, Skip. The Complete 1931 Session. 
Johnson, Luther. Lonesome in My Bedroom.
Jordan, Louis & His Tympany Five. The Best of Louis Jordan.
Kane, Jonathan. February.
King, Freddie. The Best of Freddie King (Shelter, 1975).
King Curtis. Soul Twist and Other Golden Classics.
Leadbelly. The Library of Congress Recordings.
Leadbelly. Huddie Ledbetter (Fantasy, 1973).
Little Richard. Here’s Little Richard.
Martyn, John. Live at Leeds.
Mayall, John. Blues from Laurel Canyon.
Mayall, John & the Bluesbreakers. A Hard Road.
Moore, Christy. Whatever Tickles Your Fancy.
Ochs, Phil. All the News that’s Fit to Sing. 
Pentangle. The Pentangle.
Pentangle. Basket of Light.
Pentangle. Cruel Sister.
Perkins, Carl. Original Sun Greatest Hits.
Presley, Elvis. Elvis' Golden Records (1958).
Setzer, Brian/Brian Setzer Orchestra. The Dirty Boogie.
Setzer, Brian/Brian Setzer Orchestra. Wolfgang’s Big Night Out.
Setzer, Brian/Brian Setzer Orchestra. Songs from Lonely Avenue.
Shadows. The Shadows’ Greatest Hits.
Shangri-Las. Remember: Hits & Rarities from the Bad Girls of 60s Pop.
Simon & Garfunkel. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.
Simon & Garfunkel. Sounds of Silence (album).
Simon & Garfunkel. Bookends.
Six Organs of Admittance. School of the Flower.
Stray Cats. Stray Cats.
T., Booker & the MG’s. “Green Onions.”
Thompson, Richard. 1000 Years of Popular Music.
Thompson, Richard. The Old Kit Bag.
Thompson, Richard. 13 Rivers.
Tielman Brothers. Tielman Brothers (aka One More Time).
Trashmen. Surfin’ Bird.
Turner, Big Joe. The Boss of the Blues Sings Kansas City Jazz.
Turner, Big Joe. Rock & Roll.
Valens, Ritchie. Ritchie Valens.
Ventures. The Ventures (1961).
Ventures. Ventures á Go-Go.
Ventures. The Fabulous Ventures.
Ventures. Walk, Don’t Run, Vol. 2.
Ventures. “Slaughter on Tenth Avenue.”
Ventures. The Ventures’ Christmas Album.
Ventures. Golden Greats. 
Vincent, Gene & His Blue Caps. Bluejean Bop! 
Waters, Muddy. Folk Singer.
Waters, Muddy. The Real Folk Blues.
Waters, Muddy. Hard Again.
Waters, Muddy. Mannish Boy: Best of Muddy Waters.
Watson, Johnny "Guitar." I Heard That!
Wells, Junior/Chicago Blues Band. Hoodoo Man Blues.
Wray, Link. There’s Good Rockin’ Tonite (aka Rock & Roll Rumble).
Wray, Link. Rumble (1956-62).
Various artists. Dust on the Nettles.
Various artists. The Blues Roll On.
Various artists. Jingle Bell Rock (Time Life).
Various artists. Merry Christmas, Baby (Hollywood Records).
Various artists. The Mississippi Blues 1927-1940.
Various artists. The Mississippi Blues No. 2: The Delta 1929-1932.
Various artists. The Mississippi Blues No. 3: Transition, 1926-1937.
Various artists. Negro Prison Songs.
Various artists. Roots of the Blues.

Abel, Roysten. The Manganiyar Seduction.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Govinda.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The Holy Names: Spiritual Gems. 
악단광칠 (ADG7). 악단광칠.
악단광칠 (ADG7). 인생 꽃 같네.
Banerjee, Nikhil. The Hundred-Minute Raga: Purabi Kalyan.
Bauls of Bengal. Indian Street Music.
Ben-Tzur, Shye/Jonny Greenwood/Rajasthan Express. Junun.
Bhosle, Asha. An Unforgettable Treat.
Bhosle, Asha. Golden Collection: Sizzling Hits. 
Bhosle, Asha/Rahul Dev (R.D.) Burman. Live at Royal Albert Hall, London.
Das, Aindra. Vraja Vilasa, vol. 1.
Das, Aindra. Vraja Vilasa, vol. 2.
Das, Kushal. Inde du Nord. 
Harrison, George. Wonderwall Music.
Khan, Ali Akbar. Traditional Music of India.
Khan, Ali Akbar. The Soul of Indian Music.
Khan, Ali Akbar. Morning and Evening Ragas (Connoisseur Series).
Khan, Ali Akbar. Master Musician of India.
Khan, Ali Akbar. The Forty Minute Raga (Raga Marwa).
Khan, Ali Akbar. The 80 Minute Raga (Raga Darbari Kanada).
Khan, Ali Akbar. The Peaceful Music of Ali Akbar Khan.
Khan, Ali Akbar. Morning Visions. 
Khan, Ali Akbar. Legacy: 16th-18th Century Music from India.
Khan, Ali Akbar/L. Subramaniam. India’s Master Musicians (aka Duet).
Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali. The Greatest Hits of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.
Miyagi, Michio. Masterpieces of Koto.
Narayan, Ram. Master of the Sarangi.
Narayanaswamy, K.V./Palghat Raghu/V.V. Subramaniam. Dhyanam/Meditation.
New York Temple Kirtans. Sankirtana Yajna.
Remember Shakti. Saturday Night in Bombay.
Shakti. Shakti with John McLaughlin.
Shakti. Natural Elements.
Shankar, Ravi. Ravi Shankar at the Monterey International Pop Festival.
Shankar, Ravi/Yehudi Menuhin. Ravi Shankar et Yehudi Menuhin.
Shelter. Chanting, Prayers & Meditations.
Subramaniam, L. Global Fusion.
Subramaniam, L./Larry Coryell. From the Ashes.
Subramaniam, L./Alla Rakha. Matchless.
Tran, An. Stay My Beloved: Vietnamese Guitar Music.
Visnujana Swami. ISKCON Classics: Visnujana Swami Bhajanas.
Various artists. The Best of Bollywood: 15 Classic Hits from the Indian Cinema.
Various artists. Bhangra: The Best Asian Beats from the Streets.
Various artists. Duet Songs from Punjab (1976).
Various artists. Duet Songs from Punjab (1982).
Various artists. Duet Songs from Punjab: Ghund Wich di Shararat.
Various artists. Duet Songs from Punjab: Ik Kudi Pataka.
Various artists. Duet Songs from Punjab: Mittran di Khangh Wich.
Various artists. Ethnic Minority Music of Northwest Xinjiang.
Various artists. Folk Music of India: Uttar Pradesh.
Various artists. Folk Music of the Punjab (HMV, 1951).
Various artists. Folk Songs of the Punjab: Volume Five.
Various artists. Gamelan from Central Java. 
Various artists. Gamelan Music of Bali.
Various artists. Gamelan of the Walking Warriors.
Various artists. The Hugo Masters: An Anthology of Chinese Classical Music (box set).
Various artists. Kirtan Ecstasy. 
Various artists. Leader (Bollywood soundtrack).
Various artists. The Music of Islam, vol. 13: Music of Pakistan - Lahore, Pakistan.
Various artists. A Musical Anthology of the Orient: India IV.
Various artists. Qurbani (Bollywood soundtrack).
Various artists. Radio India: The Eternal Dream of Sound.
Various artists. Radio Phnom Penh.
Various artists. The Rough Guide to Psychedelic Bollywood (CD version).
Various artists. Street Musicians of Yogyakarta.
Various artists. Sufis at the Cinema: 50 Years of Bollywood Qawwali & Sufi Song 1958-2007. 
Various artists. Tea House Music of Afghanistan.
Various artists/Deben Bhattacharya. Music on the Desert Road.
Various artists/David Lewiston. Golden Rain.
Various artists/A.R. Rahman Slumdog Millionaire.

Abou-Khalil, Rabih. Blue Camel.
Abou-Khalil, Rabih. Yara.
Ahmed, Mahmoud. Ere Mela Mela.
Alhaj, Rahim/Rahim Alhaj Trio. One Sky.
Alif. Aynama-Rtama.
Alizadeh, Hossein/Jivan Gasparyan. Endless Vision.
Alsarah & the Nubatones. Silt.
Alsarah & the Nubatones. Silt Remixes.
Alsarah & the Nubatones. Manara.
AMMAR 808. Maghreb United.
Atrium Musicae de Madrid/Gregorio Paniagua. Musique de la Grèce Antique.
Awayez, Natik. Manbarani.
Behroozinia, Hossein/Behnam Masoumi. In the Realm of Solitude.
Brahem, Anouar. Barzakh.
Brahem, Anouar. Astrakan Cafe.
Chemirani, Bijan/Ross Daly. Gulistan.
Dalal, Yair/The AL OL Ensemble. Silan.
Dudley, Anne/Jaz Coleman. Songs from the Victorious City.
El-Bakkar, Mohammed. Port Said.
El Din, Hamza. Al Oud.
El Din, Hamza. Escalay: The Water Wheel.
El Din, Hamza. Eclipse.
El Omari, Abdou. Nuits de Printemps.
Ensemble Al Tchalghi Al Baghdadi/Yusuf Omar. Iraq: Makamat.
Eroglu, Musa/Arif Sag. Turquie: Musique Instrumentale d’Anatolie (aka Instrumental Music from Anatolia).
Forabandit. Forabandit.
Forabandit. Port.
Gania, Maalem Mahmoud. Aicha.
Hassan, Chalf. Arabic Songs from North Africa. 
Khalife, Marcel. Stripped Bare.
Kostis, A. The Jail’s a Fine School.
L’Bluz, Bab. Nayda.
Lemchaheb. Lemchaheb.
Master Musicians of Jajouka. Apocalypse Across the Sky. 
Meilleurs Music de l’Atlas. Meilleurs Music de l’Atlas.
Midwood. Out of the Narrows.
Μουντάκης, Κώστας. Αναφορά Στον Καζαντζάκη.
Musiciens du Nil. Egypte.
Nass el Ghiwane. Nass el Ghiwane (first album).
Nass el Ghiwane. A Paris.
Özkan, Talip. Turquie: L'Art Vivant De Talip Özkan.
Paravar, Faymarz. A Persian Heritage: Classical Music of Iran.
Ψαραντώνης. Αναστορήματα.
Ψαραντώνης. Εκτός Εαυτού.
Ψαραντώνης. Να 'Χεν Η Θάλασσα Βουνά.
Queyras, Jean-Guihen. Thrace.
Redžepova, Esma/Titi Robin. Mon Histoire.
Redžepova, Esma & the Stevo Teodosievski Ensemble. Gypsy Esma: New Sounds from the Balkans.
Saleh, Maryam/Tamer Abu Ghazaleh/Maurice Louca. Lekhfa.
Sandcatchers. What We Found Along the Way.
Sawaya, George. Love Songs of Lebanon.
Shaheen, Simon. The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab.
Shajarian, Mohammad Reza/Kayhan Kalhour. Night Silence Desert.
Souleyman, Omar. Jazeera Nights.
Souleyman, Omar. Highway to Hassake.
Souleyman, Omar. Haflat Gharbia: The Western Concerts.
Souleyman, Omar. Leh Jani. 
Souleyman, Omar. Bahdeni Nami.
Taha, Rachid. "Barbes" (single).
Taha, Rachid. Diwân.
Taha, Rachid. Tékitoi.
Tanrıkorur, Cinuçen. Turquie.
Tawadros, Joseph. Concerto of the Greater Sea.
Tawadros, Joseph. Hope in an Empty City.
Touareg de Fewet. Libya: Music from the Sahara Desert.
Le Trio Joubran. Majaz.
Le Trio Joubran. AsFâr.
Le Trio Joubran. The Long March.
Tüfekçi, Nida. Oyun Havalari.
Wahid. Inside Silence.
Xylouris White. Goats.
Xylouris White. Black Peak.
Xylouris White. Mother.
Various artists. 1970’s Algerian Proto-Rai Underground.
Various artists. Cairo!: The Music of Modern Egypt.
Various artists. Choubi Choubi! Folk & Pop Sounds from Iraq.
Various artists. Choubi Choubi! Folk & Pop Sounds from Iraq, Vol. 2.
Various artists. Da’asa: The Haunting Sounds of Yemenite-Israeli Funk 1973-1984.
Various artists. Eat the Dream: Gnawa Music from Essaouira.
Various artists. Ecstatic Music of the Jemaa el Fna. 
Various artists. Golden Beirut: New Sounds from Lebanon.
Various artists. Greece (UNESCO Musical Atlas, 1974).
Various artists. Maroc: Musiques Berbéres de l’Atlas (Aït Bou Guemmez and Les Musiciens de l’Atlas).
Various artists. Maroc, Vol. 2: Moyen-Atlas: Musique Sacrée & Profane.
Various artists. Moroccan Street Music.
Various artists. Music from Yemen Arabia: Sanaani, Laheji, Adeni. 
Various artists. Music in the World of Islam, vol. 2: Lutes.
Various artists. The Music of Islam, vol. 4: Music of the Arabian Peninsula - Doha, Qatar.
• Various artists. Orient/Okzident: Musik aus Südost-Europa.
Various artists. Qat, Coffee & Qambus: Raw 45s from Yemen.
Various artists. Yougoslavie 2: Sous Les Peupliers De Bilisht.

Africa Express. Terry Riley’s In C Mali.
Amadou & Miriam. Folila.
Béliz. Mémoires.
Bombino. Nomad.
Diabaté, Toumani. The Mandé Variations.
Konono No. 1. Congotronics.
Kuti, Fela. Afrodisiac.
Kuti, Fela. Confusion.
Kuti, Fela. Zombie. 
Lewlewal de Podor. Yiilo Jam.
Muharam, Siti. Romance Revolution.
Nabay, Janka. En Yay Sah.
Orchestre Abass. De Bassari Togo.
Orchestre Africa Djembé. Les Tambours De Gorée/The Drums of Gorée.
Sissoko, Ballaké/Vincent Ségal. Musique de Nuit.
Tambours du Burundi. Batimbo: Musique et Chants.
Tinariwen. Amassakoul. 
Touré, Ali Farka. The Source. 
Traoré, Boubacar. Mariama (aka Boubacar Traoré and His Guitar).
Various artists. Africa: Drum, Chant, and Instrumental Music.
Various artists. African Rhythms and Instruments, Vol. 1.
Various artists. African Rhythms and Instruments, Vol. 2. 
Various artists. Bobo Yéyé: Belle Époque in Upper Volta.
Various artists. Centrafrique: Anthologie De La Musique Des Pygmées Aka.
Various artists. Kanyok and Luba.
Various artists. Maldives/1: Chants et Percussions des Maldives.
Various artists. Musique du Burundi (aka Burundi: Musiques Traditionnelles).
Various artists. Musiques du Pays Lobi.
Various artists. Nigeria 70: The Definitive Story of 1970s Funky Lagos.
Various artists. Nigeria 70: Lagos Jump.
Various artists. Percussions d’Afrique/African Drums.
Various artists. Wake Up You! The Rise and Fall of Nigerian Rock 1972-1977, Vol. 1.

Afrocubism. Afrocubism.
Barbosa, Zelia. Brazil: Songs of Protest.
Bataan, Joe. Subway Joe.
Bataan, Joe. Riot!
Buena Vista Social Club. At Carnegie Hall.
Cabrerita/Sus Ideas. Explorando el Ambiente.
Colón, Willie. The Hustler.
Colón, Willie. Lo Mato Si No Compra Este LP.
Colón, Willie. The Good – The Bad – The Ugly.
Côrtes, Lula/Zé Ramalho. Paêbirú.
Fania All-Stars. Latin-Soul-Rock.
Gilberto, João. João Gilberto (1973).
Gipsy Kings. Gipsy Kings.
Miranda, Ismael/Orchestra Harlow. Abran Paso.
Nascimento, Milton. Milagre Dos Peixes.
Nascimento, Milton/Lô Borges. Clube da Esquina.
Novos Baianos. Acabou Chorare.
Ozomatli. Ozomatli.
Rosalía. Los Angeles.
Santamaria, Mongo. Afro Roots.
Tico All-Stars. Descargas at the Village Gate Live, Vol. 2.
Valentin, Bobby. Let’s Turn On (Arrebatarnos).
Various artists. Acid Rumba: Spanish Gypsy Grooves 1969-1976.
Various artists. Fania Records 1964-1980: The Original Sound of Latin New York.
Various artists. The Original Sound of Cumbia: The History of Colombian Cumbia & Porro as Told by the Phonograph 1948-79.
Various artists. Panama! 2: Latin Sounds, Cumbia Tropical & Calypso Funk on the Isthmus 1967-77.

Argerich, Martha. Maurice Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit/Sonatine/Valses Nobles et Sentimentales (Deutsche Grammophon).
Argerich, Martha. Prokofieff/Ravel (Deutsche Grammophon).
Ashkenazy, Vladimir. Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Concertos 1 & 2/Overture on Hebrew Themes.
Bach, J.S. Famous Organ Works (Peter Hurford).
Bach, J.S. The Six Suites for Cello Solo (Pablo Casals).
Beethoven, Ludwig van. The Nine Symphonies (Georg Solti/Chicago).
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Piano Sonatas (Alfred Brendel/Philips Records).
Cage, John. Complete Piano Music, Vol. 1: “The Prepared Piano” 1940-1952 (Steffen Schleiermacher).
Cage, John. Complete Piano Music, Vol. 4: Pieces 1950-1960 (Steffen Schleiermacher). 
Cage, John/Christian Wolff. (Split.)
Chatham, Rhys. Die Donnergötter (5 tracks).
Chatham, Rhys. An Angel Moves Too Fast to See. 
Debussy, Claude. Claire de Lune: Piano Music of Debussy (Aldo Ciccolini).
Frager, Malcolm. Prokofieff/Haydn (René Leibowitz/Paris Conservatoire Orchestra).
Gantriis-Zimmermann Guitar Duo. Pinpoints.
Holst, Gustav. The Planets (Leopold Stokowski/LAPO, Roger Wagner Chorale).
Joplin, Scott. The Complete Piano Works of Scott Joplin (John W. Parker).
Ligeti, György. Works for Piano: Études & Musica Ricercata (Pierre-Laurent Aimard). 
Morricone, Ennio. I Grandi Temi da Film di Ennio Morricone.
Mussorgsky, Modest. Pictures at an Exhibition/A Night on Bald Mountain (Leonard Bernstein/NYPO). 
Ormandy, Eugene/Philadelphia Orchestra. Firebird Suite/Pictures at an Exhibition.
Palm, Siegfried. Modern Works for Cello.
Pogorelich, Ivo. Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit/Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No. 6 (Deutsche Grammophon).
Proto, Frank. The Sound of the Bass, Volume Two.
Reich, Steve. Drumming/Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ/Six Pianos (Deutsche Grammophon).
Reich, Steve. Music for 18 Musicians.
Reich, Steve. Octet/Music for a Large Ensemble/Violin Phase.
Reich, Steve. Tehillim.
Reich, Steve. The Desert Music (Nonesuch, 1985).
Satie, Erik. 3 Gymnopédies & Other Piano Works (Pascal Roge).
Stravinsky, Igor. Le Sacre du Printemps (Leonard Bernstein/NYPO, 1959).
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr. The Nutcracker Suite.

Argent. Nexus.
Argent. Circus.
Blonde on Blonde. Contrasts. 
Driscoll, Julie/Brian Auger & the Trinity. Streetnoise.
Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Emerson, Lake & Palmer.
Focus. Moving Waves. 
Focus. Live at the Rainbow.
Genesis. Trespass.
Genesis. Nursery Cryme.
Genesis. Foxtrot.
Genesis. Selling England by the Pound.
Genesis. Genesis Live.
Genesis. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway.
Genesis. A Trick of the Tail.
Genesis. Wind & Wuthering.
Glass Harp. Glass Harp.
Gong. Camembert Electrique.
Heldon. Stand By. 
Jade Warrior. Last Autumn’s Dream.
Jade Warrior. Floating World.
Jethro Tull. Aqualung.
King Crimson. In the Court of the Crimson King.
King Crimson. In the Wake of Poseidon.
King Crimson. Lizard.
King Crimson. Islands.
King Crimson. Earthbound.
King Crimson. Larks’ Tongues in Aspic.
King Crimson. Starless and Bible Black.
King Crimson. Red.
King Crimson. Discipline.
King Crimson. Beat.
King Crimson. Three of a Perfect Pair.
King Crimson. “Sleepless” (12”).
King Crimson. Vrooom.
King Crimson. Vrooom Vrooom.
King Crimson. The Power to Believe.
King Crimson. The Great Deceiver: Live 1973-1974.
King Crimson. Absent Lovers: Live in Montreal, 1984.
King Crimson. Live at Jacksonville, 1972.
King Crimson. Live in Orlando, FL: February 27, 1972.
King Crimson. Live in Mainz: March 30, 1974. 
King Crimson. April 12, 1971: Zoom Club, Frankfurt, Germany.
King Crimson. June 16, 1973: Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA.
King Crimson. June 28, 1974: Casino, Asbury Park, New Jersey.
King Crimson. August 7, 2008: Park West, Chicago, Illinois. 
King Crimson. Radical Action to Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind.
King Crimson. Heroes.
Kraan. Andy Nogger.
Matter of Planets. The Ballad of Baberaham.
Pink Floyd. Ummagumma. 
Pink Floyd. Dark Side of the Moon.
Pink Floyd. The Wall.
Rush. Rush.
Rush. Fly by Night. 
Rush. Caress of Steel.
Rush. 2112.
Rush. All the World’s a Stage.
Rush. A Farewell to Kings.
Rush. Hemispheres.
Rush. Permanent Waves.
Rush. Moving Pictures.
Rush. Exit… Stage Left.
Rush. Signals.
Rush. Grace Under Pressure. 
Rush. Power Windows.
Rush. Hold Your Fire. 
Rush. A Show of Hands.
Rush. Presto.
Rush. Roll the Bones.
Rush. Counterparts. 
Rush. Test for Echo.
Rush. Different Stages.
Rush. Vapor Trails.
Rush. Rush in Rio.
Rush. Snakes & Arrows.
Rush. Grace Under Pressure 1984 Tour.
Rush. Clockwork Angels.
Rush. Vapor Trails Remixed.
Rush. R40.
Rush. Permanent Waves (40th Anniversary).
Rush. Moving Pictures (40th Anniversary).
The Soft Machine. Vol. I.
T2. It’ll All Work Out in Boomland.
Van der Graaf. The Quiet Zone/The Pleasure Dome.
Van der Graaf. Vital.
Van der Graaf Generator. The Least We Can Do Is Wave to Each Other.
Van der Graaf Generator. H to He, Who am the Only One.
Van der Graaf Generator. Pawn Hearts.
Van der Graaf Generator. Godbluff.
Van der Graaf Generator. Still Life.
Van der Graaf Generator. World Record.
Van der Graaf Generator. The Charisma Years: 1970-1978.
Vanilla Fudge. Near the Beginning. 
Vanilla Fudge. The Best of Vanilla Fudge.
Wishbone Ash. Pilgrimage.
Ya Ho Wa 13. Penetration: An Aquarian Symphony.
Yes. Yes.
Yes. Time and a Word.
Yes. The Yes Album.
Yes. Fragile.
Yes. Close to the Edge.
Yes. Yessongs.
Yes. Tales from Topographic Oceans.
Yes. Relayer.
Yes. Going for the One. 
Yes. Tormato.
Yes. Yesshows.
Yes. 90125.

13th Floor Elevators. Easter Everywhere.
The Action. Rolled Gold. 
Allman Brothers Band. The Road Goes On Forever.
Animals. Retrospective.
Beach Boys. Today!
Beach Boys. Endless Summer.
Beatles. Meet the Beatles (mono).
Beatles. Rubber Soul (UK, mono).
Beatles. "We Can Work It Out" b/w "Day Tripper" (mono).
Beatles. Revolver (UK, stereo).
Beatles. "Paperback Writer" b/w "Rain" (mono).
Beatles. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (stereo).
Beatles. Magical Mystery Tour (US, stereo).
Beatles. "Hey Jude" b/w "Revolution" (mono).
Beatles. The Beatles (White Album) (stereo).
Beatles. Yellow Submarine.
Beatles. Abbey Road.
Beatles. 1962-1966.
Beatles. The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl.
Beatles. Past Masters.
Big Brother & the Holding Company. Cheap Thrills.
Blue Cheer. Vincebus Eruptum.
Broughton, Edgar/Edgar Broughton Band. “Out Demons Out.”
Bubble Puppy. “Hot Smoke & Sasafrass” b/w “Lonely.”
Bubble Puppy. “Days of Our Time” b/w “Thinkin’ about Thinkin’.” 
Buffalo Springfield. Buffalo Springfield (2xLP).
Burdon, Eric. Sun Secrets.
Burdon, Eric. Mirage.
Burdon, Eric/Animals. Winds of Change.
Byrds. Mr. Tambourine Man.
Byrds. Turn! Turn! Turn!
Byrds. Fifth Dimension.
Byrds. “Eight Miles High” b/w “Why.” 
Byrds. Younger than Yesterday.
Castaways. “Liar Liar.”
Cream. “I Feel Free” b/w “N.S.U.” (mono).
Cream. Fresh Cream (UK, stereo).
Cream. Disraeli Gears (stereo).
Cream. Wheels of Fire (stereo).
Cream. Goodbye.
The Creation. Action Painting.
Crosby, Stills & Nash. Crosby, Stills & Nash.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Déjà Vu.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. “Ohio” b/w “Find the Cost of Freedom.”
Deep Purple. Shades of Deep Purple.
Donovan. The Hurdy Gurdy Man.
Donovan. Sunshine Superman. 
Donovan. Barabajagal.
Donovan. Cosmic Wheels.
Donovan. “Epistle to Dippy.”
Doors. The Doors.
Doors. Strange Days.
Doors. Waiting for the Sun.
Doors. The Soft Parade.
Doors. Morrison Hotel.
Doors. L.A. Woman.
Electric Prunes. Lost Dreams.
Eyes. Blink.
Fairport Convention. Liege & Lief. 
Fleetwood Mac. Then Play On (reissue version including “Oh Well”).
Fleetwood Mac. “The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown).” 
Fleur de Lys, Les. You’ve Got to Earn It.
Freeman Sound. “Singing My Own Song” b/w “Sixteen Tons.”
Freeman Sound. Heavy Trip.
Goat. World Music. 
Harrison, George. All Things Must Pass. 
Thee Headcoatees. The Sisters of Suave.
Thee Headcoats. "Hatred, Ridicule & Contempt."
Thee Headcoats. The Good Times Are Killing Me.
Thee Headcoats. Thoughts of a Hangman.
Thee Headcoats. "I'm a Confused Man."
Thee Headcoats. Conundrum.
Thee Headcoats. Knights of the Baskervilles.
Thee Headcoats/Thee Headcoatees. The Sound of the Baskervilles. 
Hendrix, Jimi. The Cry of Love.
Hendrix, Jimi. The Jimi Hendrix Concerts. 
Hendrix, Jimi. Voodoo Soup.
Hendrix, Jimi. Live at the Fillmore East.
Hendrix, Jimi/Jimi Hendrix Experience. Are You Experienced? (UK, mono).
Hendrix, Jimi/Jimi Hendrix Experience. Are You Experienced? (US, stereo).
Hendrix, Jimi/Jimi Hendrix Experience. Axis: Bold as Love (stereo).
Hendrix, Jimi/Jimi Hendrix Experience. Smash Hits (UK).
Hendrix, Jimi/Jimi Hendrix Experience. Electric Ladyland. 
Hendrix, Jimi/The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Winterland (4-CD box set). 
Iron Butterfly. Heavy.
Iron Butterfly. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. 
Iron Butterfly. Live at the Galaxy Club.
Jefferson Airplane. Surrealistic Pillow.
Jefferson Airplane. After Bathing at Baxter’s. 
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. Flying Microtonal Banana.
Kingsmen. "Louie Louie."
Kinks. Face to Face (stereo). 
Kinks. The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (stereo).
Kinks. The Ultimate Collection. 
Love. “7 & 7 Is.”
Love Sculpture. Forms and Feelings.
Love Sculpture/Tomorrow. “Sabre Dance” b/w “My White Bicycle.”
May Blitz. May Blitz.
May Blitz. The 2nd of May.
The Misunderstood. Before the Dream Faded.
The Move. Split Ends.
The Music Machine. Turn On (stereo).
The Nazz. Nazz Nazz.
Pink Floyd. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (UK mono).
Pink Floyd. Relics. 
Pink Floyd. London 1966/1967 (aka Tonite Let’s All Make Love in London).
Pretty Things. S.F. Sorrow.
Pretty Things. 1967-1971 (aka The Singles A’s & B’s).
Revere, Paul & the Raiders. “Just Like Me.” 
Revere, Paul & the Raiders. The Spirit of ’67.
Rolling Stones. Sticky Fingers.
Rolling Stones. Hot Rocks.
Rolling Stones. Some Girls.
Rolling Stones. “Living in a Ghost Town.”
Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs. “Wooly Bully” b/w “Li’l Red Riding Hood.”
Santana. Santana.
Santana. Abraxas. 
Santana. Live at the Fillmore ’68.
Santana. The Woodstock Experience.
Silver Apples. Contact. 
Skull Defekts. The Temple.
Skull Defekts. Peer Amid.
Sonics. Here are the Sonics! 
Sonics. Boom.
Standells. The Best of the Standells (1986).
Strawberry Alarm Clock. “Incense and Peppermints.”
Thompson, Richard. (Guitar, Vocal).
The Third Bardo. Lose Your Mind (EP).
The Who. A Quick One. 
The Who. Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy. 
The Who. Who’s Next.
The Who. The Kids Are Alright.
The Who. Who Are You.
The Who. “Eminence Front.”
Yardbirds. Greatest Hits, Volume One: 1964-1966.
Yardbirds. The Yardbirds (aka Roger the Engineer) (reissue w/”Happenings Ten Years Time Ago” single, mono). 
Young, Neil. After the Gold Rush.
Young, Neil. Harvest. 
Young, Neil. American Stars ‘N Bars.
Young, Neil. Freedom. 
Young, Neil/Crazy Horse. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere.
Young, Neil/Crazy Horse. Rust Never Sleeps.
Zombies. The Zombies Collection.
Various artists. All the Colours of Darkness (Rubble, vol. 8).
Various artists. Beyond the Calico Wall.
Various artists. Brown Acid: The Second Trip.
Various artists. Brown Acid: The Fifth Trip.
Various artists. Chocolate Soup for Diabetics, vol. 1.
Various artists. Chocolate Soup for Diabetics, vol. 3. 
Various artists. Nuggets, Volume One: The Hits.
Various artists. Nuggets, Volume 12: Punk, Part Three.
Various artists. Pebbles, vol. 2.
Various artists. Peppermint Presents: Rat Race!
Various artists. The Psychedelic Snarl (Rubble, vol. 1).
Various artists. Waking Up Scheherazade.
Various artists. Waking Up Scheherazade, Vol. 2.

311. Greatest Hits ‘93-‘03. 
1000 Mona Lisas. New Disease. 
AFI. Burials.
AFI. AFI (The Blood Album).
AFI. The Missing Man.
Alice in Chains. Facelift.
Alice in Chains. Dirt.
Apple, Fiona. Fetch the Bolt Cutters.
Arcade Fire. Neon Bible.
Baby Gopal. Baby Gopal. 
Battles. Mirrored. 
Batt Lion. Casual War.
Beastie Boys. Check Your Head.
Beastie Boys. Ill Communication.
Bed Maker. Bed Maker.
Belly. Star.
Big Audio Dynamite. This Is Big Audio Dynamite.
Big Audio Dynamite. Megatop Phoenix.
Big Audio Dynamite. F-Punk.
Big Thief. Two Hands.
Big Thief. U.F.O.F.
Black Cabbage. The Sick and Wounded/Rust Mecca.
Black Country, New Road. For the First Time.
Blur. Blur.
The Building. Reconciliation.
The Building. PETRA.
The Building. Indianola Pizza Dough.
Butthole Surfers. Independent Worm Saloon.
Cake. Fashion Nugget.
Calyx. Stay Gone.
Coldplay. A Rush of Blood to the Head.
Coldplay. X&Y. 
Cranberries. Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?
Cranberries. No Need to Argue.
David Bay Leaf/Batt Lion. (Split.) 
Dead Weather. Sea of Cowards.
Death Cab for Cutie. Narrow Stairs.
Deerhoof. Green Cosmos.
Deerhoof. Friend Opportunity.
Deerhoof. Offend Maggie.
Deerhoof. La Isla Bonita.
Dengue Fever. Cannibal Courtship.
Dirty Projectors. “Stillness is the Move.” 
Donkey Bugs. Ancient Chinese Secrets.
Dresden Dolls. The Dresden Dolls.
Dresden Dolls. The Virginia Monologues.
Dub Trio. New Heavy.
eX-Girl. Back to the Mono Kero! 
Electrelane. No Shouts No Calls.
FACS. Negative Houses.
FACS. Lifelike.
FACS. Void Moments.
FACS. Present Tense.
FACS. Still Life in Decay.
FACS. Maggot Brain 020324.
Fear of Dancing. This Music Never Touched a Computer.
Fear of Dancing. Turn Heel.
Felt. Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty.
Felt. The Splendour of Fear.
Fishbone. Fishbone.
Fishbone. Truth and Soul. 
Fishbone. The Reality of My Surroundings.
Fishbone. Give a Monkey a Brain and He’ll Swear He’s the Center of the Universe.
Flat Worms. Antarctica.
Flower. Crash.
Flower. Concrete.
Folly Group. Awake and Hungry.
Folly Group. Human and Kind.
Fontaines D.C. Dogrel.
Fontaines D.C. A Hero's Death.
Fontaines D.C. Romance.
Foo Fighters. Greatest Hits.
Forms. The Forms. 
Giants Chair. Red and Clear.
Giants Chair. Purity and Control.
Hard Nips. Hard Nips.
Hard Nips. Amazing Guns.
Hard Nips. Uncommon Animal.
Harvey, PJ. Rid of Me.
Harvey, PJ. To Bring You My Love.
Hot Snakes. Suicide Invoice.
Hot Snakes. Audit in Progress.
Hum. You’d Prefer an Astronaut. 
IDLES. Brutalism.
IDLES. Joy as an Act of Resistance.
IDLES. Ultra Mono.
IDLES. Crawler.
IDLES. Tangk.
Incubus. A Crow Left of the Murder.
Interpol. Turn On the Bright Lights.
Interpol. Antics.
Iron Oxide. WRUW-FM Live Broadcast.
James. Laid.
Jane’s Addiction. Ritual de lo Habitual.
Jane’s Addiction. "True Nature."
Jane's Addiction. "Just Because."
Jesus Lizard. Goat.
Jesus Lizard. Liar.
Jesus Lizard. Shot. 
The Joy Formidable. Hitch.
The Joy Formidable. AAARTH.
The Julie Ruin. Hit Reset.
Kairos Creature Club. KCC.
Kasabian. “Club Foot.” 
Kills. Keep on Your Mean Side. 
Kills. No Wow.
Kills. No Wow (remix EP).
Land of Talk. Applause Cheer Boo Hiss.
Lemonheads. It’s a Shame About Ray.
Live. “Lakini’s Juice.”
Lungfish. Necklace of Heads.
Lungfish. Talking Songs for Walking. 
Lungfish. Pass and Stow.
Lungfish. Artificial Horizon.
Manic Street Preachers. The Holy Bible.
The Mars Volta. Frances the Mute.
McCartney, Paul. Memory Almost Full.
Mellencamp, John Cougar. “Jack & Diane.”
Metric. Fantasies.
Metric. “Youth Without Youth.”
Moon Honey. Hand-Painted Dream Photographs. 
Morrissey. Kill Uncle.
Morrissey. Your Arsenal.
Morrissey. Years of Refusal.
Mould, Bob. Sunshine Rock.
Mould, Bob. Blue Hearts.
My Brightest Diamond. Bring Me the Workhorse.
My Brightest Diamond. All Things Will Unwind.
Nada Surf. High/Low.
Nice as Fuck. Nice as Fuck.
Nine Inch Nails. Pretty Hate Machine.
Nine Inch Nails. Broken.
Nine Inch Nails. The Downward Spiral.
Nine Inch Nails. The Fragile.
Nirvana. “Sliver” b/w “Dive.”
Nirvana. Nevermind.
Nirvana. Incesticide. 
No Doubt. Tragic Kingdom.
No Doubt. Rock Steady.
Number Girl. Sappukei.
Number Girl. Num-Heavymetallic.
Number Girl. Omoide in My Head 1: Best/B-Sides.
(Thee) Oh Sees. Floating Coffin.
(Thee) Oh Sees. Orc.
(Thee) Oh Sees. Smote Reverser.
Olsen, Angel. My Woman.
Ovlov. Buds.
Pavement. Slanted and Enchanted.
Pearl Jam. Ten.
Pearl Jam. Vs.
Pearl Jam. Vitalogy.
Petty, Tom. Full Moon Fever.
Petty, Tom & the Heartbreakers. You're Gonna Get It.
Phair, Liz. Exile in Guyville.
Protomartyr. Relatives in Descent.
Protomartyr. Ultimate Success Today.
Protomartyr. Formal Growth in the Desert.
Radiohead. “Creep.”
Radiohead. OK Computer. 
Radiohead. In Rainbows.
Red Hot Chili Peppers. Mother’s Milk.
Red Hot Chili Peppers. Blood Sugar Sex Magik.
R.E.M. Chronic Town.
R.E.M. Murmur.
R.E.M. Reckoning. 
R.E.M. Fables of the Reconstruction.
R.E.M. Life's Rich Pageant.
R.E.M. Document. 
R.E.M. Eponymous.
R.E.M. Green.
R.E.M. “Losing My Religion.”
Rollins Band. The End of Silence.
Rough Francis. “MSP2” b/w “Blind Pigs.”
Rubinos, Xenia. Magic Trix.
Rubinos, Xenia. Black Terry Cat.
Sam Goodwill. Phthalo.
Savages. Silence Yourself.
Savages. “Fuckers” b/w “Dream Baby Dream.” 
Screaming Females. Rose Mountain.
Screaming Females. Live at the Hideout. 
Secret Shame. Autonomy.
Shellac. The Rude Gesture: A Pictorial History.
Shellac. Uranus.
Shellac. At Action Park.
Shellac. Terraform.
Shellac. 1000 Hurts. 
Sigur Rós. Von.
Sigur Rós. Ágætis Byrjun.
Sigur Rós. ( ).
Sigur Rós. Takk.
Sigur Rós. Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust.
Sister Helen. Hope to Leave No Harm.
Sister Helen. The Jasmine EP. 
Sister Helen. The Secret EP.
Sister Helen. Sister Helen.
Sleater-Kinney. Sleater-Kinney. 
Sleater-Kinney. Call the Doctor.
Sleater-Kinney. Dig Me Out.
Sleater-Kinney. One Beat.
Sleater-Kinney. The Woods.
Sleater-Kinney. No Cities to Love.
Sleater-Kinney. The Center Won’t Hold.
Slint. Spiderland. 
Slint. Slint (10”).
Smashing Pumpkins. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
The Soft Moon. “Breathe the Fire” b/w “Phantoms.”
Sonic Youth. Daydream Nation.
Sonic Youth. Rather Ripped.
Soul Asylum. "Somebody to Shove."
Soundgarden. Screaming Life/Fopp.
Soundgarden. Badmotorfinger. 
Soundgarden. Superunknown.
Soundgarden. A-Sides. 
Springsteen, Bruce. Darkness on the Edge of Town.
Sponge. Rotting Piñata.
Sri. Gravity Reminds Me.
Strummer, Joe & The Mescaleros. Rock Art & the X-Ray Style.
Strummer, Joe & The Mescaleros. Streetcore.
Sugar. Copper Blue.
Sugar. Beaster.
Superchunk. Tossing Seeds: Singles 89-91.
Superchunk. On the Mouth.
Swervedriver. "Never Lose That Feeling."
Swervedriver. Mezcal Head.
Teddybears. “Punkrocker.”
Temple of the Dog. "Hunger Strike."
Therapy? Nurse. 
Therapy? Troublegum.
Tiny the Dream. The Window.
Toad the Wet Sprocket. “All I Want.” 
Trans Am. Sex Change.
Trans Am. Thing.
Twin Killers. Lemon Heart Opera.
Uzeda. Quocumque Jeceris Stabit.
Versus. The Stars Are Insane.
The Village Bicycle. Fits and Starts. 
The Village Bicycle. Terraforma.
Wallflowers. Bringing Down the Horse.
The War on Drugs. A Deeper Understanding.
Warpaint. Warpaint.
The Wedding Present. Tommy.
The Wedding Present. Seamonsters.
Weezer. Weezer (blue).
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Machine.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Fever to Tell.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. “Date with the Night.”
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. “Pin.” 
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. “Maps.”
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Show Your Bones.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Is Is.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. It’s Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Cool It Down.
Yvette. Yvette.
Yvette. 7” Remixes.
Yvette. “Erosion” b/w “Cold Sweat.”
Yvette. Process.
Zazen Boys. II. 
Zazen Boys. Himitsu Girl’s Top Secret.
Zazen Boys. I Don’t Wanna Be with You.
Zazen Boys. 4.
Zhopa Mira. Truculent Ways.
Various artists. Stars Kill Rock.
Various artists. 真夜中の弥次さん喜多さん.

Amos, Tori. Little Earthquakes.
Antarctica. 81:03. 
Asian Dub Foundation. Community Music.
Asian Dub Foundation. More Signal More Noise.
Automatons. “Cake and Ice Cream.”
Bat for Lashes. Two Suns.
Bat for Lashes. The Haunted Man.
Benoit & Sergio. “Bridge So Far.” 
Beyoncé. Beyoncé.
Björk. Debut.
Björk. “Human Behaviour” (remixes).
Björk. Post.
Björk. Homogenic.
Björk. Volta.
Björk. Biophilia (incl. “Nattura”).
Björk. Biophilia Remixes, Part Five.
Björk. Biophilia Live.
Björk/Current Value. Biophilia Remixes, Part One.
Björk/Death Grips. Biophilia Remixes, Part Two. 
Bridgers, Phoebe. Punisher.
Cardigans. First Band on the Moon.
Charli XCX. True Romance. 
Charli XCX. Stay Away (remix EP).
Crookers. Tons of Remixes.
Crystal Castles. Crystal Castles (II).
Crystal Castles. Celestica (EP).
Crystal Castles. III.
Del Ray, Lana. Born to Die. 
Distance. Repercussions (2xCD version).
D.N.A. ft. Suzanne Vega. “Tom’s Diner.”
Drab Majesty. The Demonstration.
Drab Majesty. Modern Mirror.
Duran Duran. The Wedding Album.
Echospace. The Coldest Season.
Eurythmics. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).
The Faint. Danse Macabre.
Free Blood. EP1.
Free Blood. “Parangatang” b/w “Weekend Condition.”
Ghostpoet. Some Say I So I Say Light.
Ghostpoet. Shedding Skin. 
Golan, Rosi. Lead Balloon.
Goldfrapp. Black Cherry. 
Goldfrapp. We Are Glitter.
Gorillaz. Demon Days.
Grimes. Art Angels.
Grimes. Miss Anthropocene.
H.R. Human Rights.
INXS. “What You Need.”
INXS. Kick.
Kimbra. Vows (Australian tour edition, or both Australian standard and US versions). 
Ladytron. Commodore Rock.
Ladytron. Witching Hour. 
Ladytron. “Weekend” (remixes 12”).
Ladytron. Velocifero.
Ladytron. Live at London Astoria 16.07.08. 
LCD Soundsystem. Sound of Silver.
LCD Soundsystem. “Big Ideas.” 
LCD Soundsystem. Shut Up and Play the Hits.
Lorde. Pure Heroine.
Luscious Jackson. “Naked Eye” (12”).
Madison. The Remixes Some People Make.
Madonna. Madonna (reissue version).
Madonna. “Open Your Heart” b/w “White Heat.”
Madonna. “Like a Prayer” b/w “Act of Contrition.” (7” single).
Massive Attack. Blue Lines.
Massive Attack. Mezzanine. 
Massive Attack. 100th Window.
Men. Talk about Body.
M.I.A. Arular. 
M.I.A. Matangi.
Miller, Marcus. Familiar Five.
Minerva, Maria. Will Happiness Find Me? 
Moby. Animal Rights.
Monáe, Janelle. The Archandroid: Suites II and III. 
Out Hud. Let Us Never Speak of It Again.
Portishead. Third.
Primitive Radio Gods. "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand."
The Prodigy. The Fat of the Land. 
PVA. Toner.
Santigold. Master of My Make-Believe.
Santogold. Santogold.
Scott-Heron, Gil. I’m New Here.
Shackleton. “Deadman.” 
Shackleton. Three EPs.
Sheik, Duncan. "Barely Breathing."
Sleigh Bells. Treats.
Sleigh Bells. Reign of Terror. 
Sleigh Bells. Bitter Rivals.
Spektor, Regina. Soviet Kitsch. 
Spektor, Regina. Far.
Spektor, Regina. “You’ve Got Time.” 
Stewart, Mark. Control Data.
Stewart, Mark. The Politics of Envy. 
Stewart, Mark. “Children of the Revolution” b/w “Nothing Is Sacred.”
Swift, Taylor. 1989.
Swift, Taylor. Midnights.
Thao & the Get Down Stay Down. A Man Alive.
Tigre, Le. Le Tigre.
Tigre, Le. This Island. 
Tunnidge. “Dark Skies” b/w “Tribe.”
Vatican Shadow. Jordanian Descent.
Vex’d. Cloud Seed (12” version).
Water from Your Eyes. Structure.
Wild Belle. “Keep You.”
Yeah Yeah Yeahs/A-Trak. “Heads Will Roll.”
Yelle. Safari Disco Club. 
Various artists. Soundboy’s Bones Get Buried in the Dirt Volume 1.
Various artists. Soundboy’s Gravestone Gets Desecrated by Vandals (2xCD version).

AC/DC. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
AC/DC. Powerage.
AC/DC. Back in Black. 
Aerosmith. Get Your Wings.
Aerosmith. Toys in the Attic.
Aerosmith. Rocks.
All Them Witches. Nothing as the Ideal.
Annihilator. Never Neverland.
Anthrax. Fistful of Metal.
Anthrax. Spreading the Disease.
Anthrax. Among the Living. 
Anthrax. State of Euphoria.
Anthrax. Persistence of Time. 
Anthrax. Sound of White Noise.
Atheist. Piece of Time.
Atheist. Unquestionable Presence.
Babe Ruth. First Base. 
Beck, Jeff. Guitar Shop.
Beck, Jeff. Performing This Week… Live at Ronnie Scott’s.
Beck, Jeff/Jeff Beck Group. Jeff Beck Group.
Beck, Bogert & Appice. Beck, Bogert & Appice.
Big Brave. Ardor.
Big Brave. A Gaze Among Them.
Big Brave. Vital.
Big Brave. Nature Morte.
Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath (US version).
Black Sabbath. Paranoid.
Black Sabbath. Master of Reality.
Black Sabbath. Vol. 4. 
Black Sabbath. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.
Black Sabbath. Sabotage.
Black Sabbath. Technical Ecstasy.
Black Sabbath. Heaven and Hell. 
Black Sabbath. Mob Rules.
Black Sabbath. Dehumanizer. 
Blossom Toes. If Only for a Moment.
Blue Öyster Cult. Blue Öyster Cult.
Blue Öyster Cult. Tyranny and Mutation.
Blue Öyster Cult. Secret Treaties.
Blue Öyster Cult. Agents of Fortune.
Blue Öyster Cult. "Godzilla."
Blue Öyster Cult. Fire of Unknown Origin. 
Body Count. Body Count.
Body Count. Bloodlust. 
Brutal Truth. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses.
Brutal Truth. Need to Control.
Buzzoven. Unwilling to Explain.
Cactus. Restrictions.
Celtic Frost. Morbid Tales.
Celtic Frost. To Mega Therion.
Cradle of Filth. Bitter Suites to Succubi.
Cradle of Filth. Lovecraft & Witch Hearts.
Cradle of Filth. Damnation and a Day.
Cradle of Filth. Nymphetamine.
Danzig. Danzig.
Danzig. II: Lucifuge.
Danzig. III: How the Gods Kill. 
Danzig. Thrall/Demonsweatlive.
Death. Leprosy.
Death. Individual Thought Patterns.
Death Angel. Act III.
Deep Purple. Machine Head.
deftones. Adrenaline.
deftones. Around the Fur. 
deftones. White Pony.
deftones. B-Sides & Rarities.
deftones. Deftones.
deftones. Diamond Eyes (incl. iTunes bonus tracks). 
deftones. Koi No Yokan.
deftones. Gore.
Diamond Head. Lightning to the Nations.
Dio. Holy Diver.
Dream Theater. Images and Words.
Electric Wizard. Let Us Prey.
Electric Wizard. Witchcult Today.
Entombed. Wolverine Blues.
Faith No More. Introduce Yourself.
Faith No More. The Real Thing.
Faith No More. Angel Dust.
Fight. War of Words.
Friendship Commanders. Dave.
Friendship Commanders. Hold on to Yourself.
Friendship Commanders. Mass.
Ghost. Prequelle.
Godflesh. Streetcleaner.
Golden Earring. Moontan.
Heart. Dreamboat Annie.
Heart. “Barracuda.” 
Helmet. Strap It On.
Helmet. Meantime.
High on Fire. The Art of Self Defense.
High on Fire. Blessed Black Wings.
Infectious Grooves. Sarsippius’ Ark.
Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden.
Iron Maiden. The Number of the Beast.
Iron Maiden. “The Trooper” b/w “Crosseyed Mary.”
Iron Maiden. Powerslave.
Iron Maiden. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.
Isis. Oceanic.
Jesu. Silver.
Judas Priest. Sad Wings of Destiny.
Judas Priest. Sin After Sin.
Judas Priest. Stained Class.
Judas Priest. Hell Bent for Leather (aka Killing Machine).
Judas Priest. Unleashed in the East.
Judas Priest. British Steel.
Judas Priest. Point of Entry.
Judas Priest. Screaming for Vengeance.
Judas Priest. Defenders of the Faith.
Judas Priest. "Turbo Lover."
Judas Priest. Ram It Down.
Judas Priest. Painkiller.
Killing Joke. Pandemonium.
Killing Joke. Killing Joke (2003).
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. Infest the Rats’ Nest.
Kiss. Kiss. 
Kyuss. Blues for the Red Sun.
Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin.
Led Zeppelin. II.
Led Zeppelin. III.
Led Zeppelin. IV.
Led Zeppelin. Houses of the Holy.
Led Zeppelin. Physical Graffiti. 
Led Zeppelin. Presence.
Led Zeppelin. In Through the Out Door.
Life of Agony. River Runs Red.
Living Colour. “Cult of Personality.”
Mastodon. Leviathan.
Mastodon. Blood Mountain.
Mastodon/Feist. Feistodon. 
Megachurch. Megachurch.
Megadeth. Killing Is My Business… and Business Is Good!
Megadeth. Rust in Peace (original version).
Megadeth. Countdown to Extinction.
Melvins. "Night Goat."
Metallica. Kill 'Em All. 
Metallica. Ride the Lightning.
Metallica. Master of Puppets.
Metallica. ...And Justice for All.
Metallica. Metallica (aka The Black Album). 
Ministry. The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste.
Ministry. "Jesus Built My Hotrod."
Ministry. Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs.
Montrose. Paper Money.
Montrose, Ronnie. Speed of Sound.
Morbid Angel. Altars of Madness.
Morbid Angel. Covenant.
Motörhead. Bomber.
Motörhead. Ace of Spades. 
Mutoid Man. Helium Head.
Mutoid Man. War Moans.
Neurosis. Souls at Zero (full version).
Neurosis. Enemy of the Sun.
Neurosis. Through Silver in Blood. 
Nuclear Assault. Handle with Care.
The Obsessed. The Obsessed (aka Sodden Jackal).
Om. Variations on a Theme.
Om. Conference of the Birds. 
Om. Pilgrimage.
Om. Advaitic Songs. 
Pantera. Vulgar Display of Power.
Pentagram. First Daze Here.
Pestilence. Consuming Impulse.
Previte, Bobby. Mass.
Primus. Frizzle Fry. 
Primus. Sailing the Seas of Cheese.
Pro-Pain. Foul Taste of Freedom.
Quatro, Suzi. Suzi Quatro. 
Queen. II.
Queen. Sheer Heart Attack.
Queen. A Night at the Opera.
Queens of the Stone Age. Songs for the Deaf.
Queens of the Stone Age. Era Vulgaris.
Rage Against the Machine. Rage Against the Machine.
Rage Against the Machine. Evil Empire. 
Rage Against the Machine. “No Shelter.”
Red Sun. "Absalon."
Red Sun. Werewolves on Mars. 
Red Sun/Mockingbird. (Split.) 
Satriani, Joe. Not of This Earth.
Sepultura. Chaos A.D. 
Shinobi Ninja. Escape from New York. 
Slayer. Reign in Blood.
Slayer. Seasons in the Abyss. 
Suicidal Tendencies. The Art of Rebellion.
Thin Lizzy. Jailbreak.
Thin Lizzy. Bad Reputation.
Thin Lizzy. Black Rose: A Rock Legend.
Thin Lizzy. Chinatown. 
Tool. Undertow.
Trust. "Antisocial" (French version).
Type O Negative. Bloody Kisses.
Van Halen. Van Halen.
Van Halen. Women and Children First.
Van Halen. Fair Warning.
Van Halen. “Jump” b/w “House of Pain.”
Voivod. Killing Technology.
Voivod. Nothingface. 
White Zombie. La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1.
Winter, Edgar/Edgar Winter Group. They Only Come Out at Night.
Zeni Geva. 10,000 Light Years.
ZZ Top. Rio Grande Mud.
ZZ Top. Tres Hombres. 
ZZ Top. Tejas.
ZZ Top. Degüello.
Various artists. Bullets, Volume One.
Various artists. Judgment Night: Music from the Motion Picture.

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Fear of Dancing debut album now available

The debut  Fear of Dancing full-length, Cool, is now available on vinyl, cassette, and CD - all in short-run limited editions. Find them he...